How to put a Photon 2 to sleep?

So I have a Photon 2 which is once a minute measuring air quality related data and publishing it to the Particle cloud. The sensor is a Grove SENS5 all-in-one environmental sensor using I2C, the Photon 2 is attached to a Grove Shield FeatherWing.

The program is also writing data to the serial terminal, as well as to an OLED-display, but the display is physically disconnected, and as I'm normally powering the device with a power bank, a serial terminal is not in use

As I'm using a power bank, I'd like to put the device to sleep, but it seems it's not working as a USB charger doctor measures 120-130 mA all the time. It is also blinking the normal slow-breath cyan. I've put below in the setup()-function, interval2 is 60000.

I suppose I'm misunderstanding something with how the sleep is working, so would need some guidance.

I'll probably later increase the interval from 1 to 2 or more minutes.

SystemSleepConfiguration config;

.network(NETWORK_INTERFACE_CELLULAR) is not a valid option for the Photon 2, a Wi-Fi device. The sleep is probably not occurring because of invalid options. Try it with that removed.

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It helped in that the device right away goes to sleep for a minute, then wakes up, but then never sleeps again.
I did not beforehand consider that the sensor also might (?) lose power during the sleep, which might reset at the VocIndex to its starting point of 100. So I might skip the sleep in this project, but would of course be nice to know how to get a continuous sleep :grinning:

Where is your sleep call? When you use STOP mode sleep, execution continues after wake at the line after System.sleep. Anything that's in setup won't be run again on wake.

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It was in setup, but when I moved to loop, it started to work...
But, how to flash new firmware to it when it's just awake for a few seconds?
I was finally able to do a local flash, and the program runs, but the device don't have cloud connection anymore, it's fast blinking blue.

I did restore it this way, but still no cloud connection.
I'll now try to reestablish cloud connection somehow.

Edit: Ok, reconfigured the WiFi, not sure what happened, but now it works again. I'll refrain from using sleep until I understand it better, anyhow in this case I'll probably won't be able to use it due to the sensor characteristics.