How to make a spark toy car heel like a dog?

Also got Pixy-D7.ino working on the github site at

This file allows you to test the Pixy with the Spark core and nothing else, no motor drivers etc.

Includes the code figured out from to allow the spark core to work both when you have Wifi and also when you do not have Wifi.

// By Jeremy Ellis

// Note: Watch the RGB LED at startup.
// If it quickly goes to breathing cyan, you have Wifi connectivity
// If it takes 20 seconds to go to breathing cyan, then you have no Wifi connectivity but the Pixy should still work

SYSTEM_MODE(SEMI_AUTOMATIC);  // so that connectivity is not blocking

int myConnect = 0;      // means neighter connected or disconnected yet

int myD7  = D7;      // to test if wifi is working

//      #include "SPI.h"        // got rid of this since it would not compile
#include "Pixy.h"
#include "TPixy.h"

// Not sure how to flash new code so will not do this yet.
//SYSTEM_MODE(MANUAL);                // Set the system mode to manual. We don't need the cloud for this code

Pixy pixy;                          // Create our pixy object

// Setup - Runs Once @ Startup
void setup() {   

    pinMode(myD7, OUTPUT); 
    Spark.connect();         //attempt to connect to Wifi

    delay(20000);   // wait 20 seconds at startup

   if (WiFi.ready()){   
        myConnect = 1;   // means wifi got connected
    } else {
        myConnect =2;   // means no wifi cloud connectivity
       // digitalWrite(D7,HIGH);     // D7 high says no wifi but spark working fine.
    RGB.brightness(1);    // 1=very low light, 255 = max

    Serial.begin(9600);             // Initalize the USB Serial port
    pixy.init();                    // Initalize the pixy object

// Loop - Runs over and over
void loop(){ 

    uint16_t    blocks;                       // Create an unsigned int to hold the number of found blocks
    char        buf[50];                      // Create a buffer for printing over serial
    int         myPixyInt, myWait, myWait2, i;

    blocks = pixy.getBlocks();      // Do the pixy stuff. Grab the numbers of blocks the pixy finds
  // If we have some blocks increment the frame counter (i) and if enough frames have passed print out data about the found blocks to the serial port
  if (blocks) {
 // for serial USB printing of the information every 25th loop
    if (i%25==0)
      sprintf(buf, "Detected %d:\n", blocks);
      for (int j = 0; j < blocks; j++)
        sprintf(buf, "\tblock %d:", j);

    myPixyInt = pixy.blocks[0].x;    // x location of the main object    0 - 320

   // myPixyInt = pixy.blocks[0].y;
   // myPixyInt = pixy.blocks[0].width;
   // myPixyInt = pixy.blocks[0].height;
   myWait = myPixyInt;
   // myWait = blocks * 3;  // if you want to see how many objects Pixy has detected x 3
   if (myPixyInt <= 10) {   
       digitalWrite(D7, LOW);     // If Pixy sees nothing D7 LED off
    if (myPixyInt > 10 && myPixyInt <= 100) {    // Object on the far left, blink really fast
        digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);                  
        digitalWrite(D7, LOW); 
    if (myPixyInt > 100 && myPixyInt <= 200) {    // Object on near middle, blink slow
        digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);                  
        digitalWrite(D7, LOW); 
    if (myPixyInt > 200 && myPixyInt <= 300) {    // Object on Right, blink really slow
        digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);                  
        digitalWrite(D7, LOW); 
    if (myPixyInt > 300 ) {    // Object on far right, leave LED on
        digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);                  

   delay(5); // just for the heck of it slow things down a bit
  } // end blocks
}   // end loop
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Can’t wait to have some time to start playing with my cores again! And my new motors should be here this week too so I can build my own rover. I’ll use my spi motor shield and power supply shield I built a while ago though just to make it extra sweet :wink: