Hi, i believe i am on the right platform and i hope that this platform provides me with the solution to my problem.
After several tries, i was successful with reading stable/constant or unchanged battery voltage using internal voltage reference of 1.1v, now the issue i face is that i can read stable sensor voltage only with arduino UNO but the moment i shift to attiny44A IC the same code readings does not work, could you please let me know how can i read my sensor voltage accurately? or do i need additional voltage divider (my sensor goes directly connected to Analog pin and GND pin).
NOTE: I am using Arduino for prototyping purpose, mainly i will be using attiny44A IC. I am using attinyCore library
void setup(){
void loop() {
//REFS1 AND REFS0 to 1 1 -> internal 1.1V refference
ADMUX |= B11000000;
//We read A1 (MUX0) for battery voltage
ADMUX |= B00000001;
//We read A0 for sensor voltage
ADMUX |= B00000000; // for my sensor
// Start AD conversion
ADCSRA |= B11000000;
// Detect end-of-conversion
while (bit_is_set(ADCSRA,ADSC));
float val = ADCL | (ADCH << 8);
val = val * 5.7; // Using 4.7k and 1k voltage divider
Something like the code below must workout but unfortunately it does not help!
int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
voltage = ((sensorValue/ val) * 1023.);
Serial.println("voltage: ");
if (voltage<=215){
digitalWrite (led, HIGH);
else if (voltage>=215){
digitalWrite (led, LOW);
my code changes for attiny are:
ADMUX |= B10000000; // internal 1.1V refference
//We read A1 (MUX0)
ADMUX = 0b00000001; //PA1
// Start AD conversion
ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC);
// Detect end-of-conversion
while (bit_is_set(ADCSRA,ADSC));
val = ADCL | (ADCH << 8);
The code works alright with arduino but when i transfer it to attiny it does not work properly for instance, arduino reads 2000 at 3v whereas, attiny does not read 2000 at 3-3.4V.