November 2, 2018, 7:26am
How could someone possibly make a tutorial about configuring a personal website if we don't know what that website looks like?
Have you got that server already? If so, what's the configuration? If not, then it's probably a good place to first look for an (external) tutorial on how to set one up.
The webhook tutorials that are provided can be applied to any website, you just need to change some parameters to match your setup.
Have a look at these though:
If you have seen my Spark.publish() tutorials, you know that I like to have private web pages (since if it was public, your access token would be exposed) that read and even graph data from my Spark core. Well, you can do similar things with Spark.variables() and here’s how.
Declare Yourself
Let’s say you have a Spark.variable declared and you want to read it. In my case, it is a temperature variable from a DS18B20 temperature sensor and I have converted the value to a double-precision floati…
Hi again @kiwibird1
First try looking at this basic example for how to use a Spark variable and a temperature sensor
Sorry–this tutorial here may be a bit advanced. I should have pointed you to this tutorial which handles the exact thing you want to do:
Sorry I cut-and-pasted the wrong tutorial pointer for you!
Here’s a tutorial to get you started using Spark.publish().
Let’s imagine you want to monitor your core’s uptime, that is, how many hours, minutes, and seconds since the last time the core was reset or powered-up and view it on a web page that you can leave open all the time.
You can use the millis() function to measure time and for this example, you can ignore the fact that it can wrap-around back to zero after many days. So you need two things, code for your Spark core and code for a web page…
Getting Started
Let’s say you have one of these and one of these (the Spark Maker Kit):
[image] [image]
The maker kit includes one of these:
What is that, you ask? That is a force sensitive resistor which is a device that translates pressure into resistance. The more pressure you apply to the round part, the lower the resistance of the sensor. We are going to use it to sense when there is coffee in the carafe and when it is empty. It is not a particularly good sensor since the cha…
This is a mini-tutorial!
Let’s say your have sensor farm of Spark cores all publishing their data to the Spark Cloud. You need a way to see all that data in near real-time, all on one dashboard. So, how can you do it? There are lots of ways but here’s a simple one that you can edit and change to meet your needs.
First a couple of in action screen shots, first for the event named “Uptime”:
And here’s another shot for the event named “Temp”:
As you can see, you enter your…