Having an impossible time setting up LTE Borons with 3rd party sims

@pmjackson AT+cgatt=1 does nothing. when I enter it into the serial monitor I do not even get a reply. same thing with AT+COPS=1,2,“310410” But I see that it does take other AT commands and can read the values. The APN looks correct as well.

@rickkas7 Would the cellular data speed make any difference? The speed is capped at 64kbps

If anyone else is struggling with a Boron LTE + ATT One Rate 64kbps SIM and stumbles upon this thread,

  1. I needed to first activate the ATT SIM in the dashboard (should have been obvious, but there were no instructions in the FedEx envelope, just the sim card itself)

  2. After activating it, it will tell you that the APN is m2m64.com.attz (which isn’t listed on their main developer site)

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