I’m working with spark and ads1299 chip to get EEG signals but I’m having troubles when I try to set the sample rate of the ADS, so if anyone could help me I really much appreciate it. I don’t know if the problem is the Spark code or ADS itself.
@afromero, which library are you using? It is difficult to help without seeing your code
Sure, I start using conorrussomanno’s code which found at github (https://github.com/conorrussomanno/ADS1299/tree/master/ADS1299), so I thank him in advance.
it was a couple of weeks ago, so I did a couple of modifications but the structure is the same.
I am only sending channel1 bits (24) to serial port, using this channel in normal input mode and config1 set in 500sps. All of these are read it using Spark through SPI through Hyperterminal.
I attach a couple of graphs which show the same for 250sps and 500sps using a sine voltage with output level 2V and 1Hz, and seeing 250 samples.
This is for 250sps. I would expect here only one period.
and for 500sps. Here I would expect a half of a period.
Thanks again.
Hi @afromero
Do you have the Spark cloud on or off? If you have the Spark cloud on, then the fastest that loop() can run is around 250 times per seconds, that could be limiting your sample rate.
Wow! It was simple and beautiful. Much appreciated. I turn off the cloud and voilà.