GY-80 Gyro Library bug

Im trying to port a library to run on the Core/Photon for the GY-80 9axis Gyro board

I have found a single library that includes all the sensors on the board… but its locking up all the time. Ive traced it down to a while loop where it gets stuck waiting for the reply. But im really not sure what the best way to catch the error and retry the I2C comms…

original library here with only the includes changed removed to get it working on the photon

so here is the bit that needs fixing.

uint8_t* GY80::read(uint8_t device, uint8_t address, uint8_t length)

    Wire.requestFrom(device, length);
    uint8_t buffer[length];
    while(Wire.available()<length); //this is the place it gets stuck
    if(Wire.available() == length)
        for(uint8_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
            buffer[i] =;

    return buffer;

Which device are you testing it on?

I know that calls to available() on Serial only ever return a maximum of 1, and this limitation on available bytes could be affecting you here also.

A possible workaround is this:

uint8_t buffer[length];
for (uint8_t i=0; i<length; i++) {
    while (!Wire.available());
    buffer[i] =;

cc: @satishgn

ive tried both core and photon, both hang at the same point.

for now i have just a simple timeout and retry, which works but is a little crude. and every now and then it still hangs up and doesn’t recover…

im currently trying some other libraries to see if they work better

Hi, could you resolve this issue?. I’m really new in Arduino. I would like to know how you wired the GY80 to Photon and to know if you modified this library in order to work with Photon.

I’m not at home so I can’t test this out, there was a bug in the photon firmware which has been resolved

When I get to my desktop I will dig out the firmware I was testing at the time for you


Photon  ---  GY-80
3v3     --->  3v3 
Gnd     --->  GND
D0     <--->  SDA
D1      --->  SCL

the GY-80 has pull-ups installed so you dont need external ones.

I have modded the code linked above slightly, but i haven’t got the hardware to test it on front of me… let me know how you get on, copy this to the first tab

#include "GY80.h"

GY80 sensor = GY80(); //create GY80 instance

void setup()
    // initialize serial communication at 115200 bits per second:
    sensor.begin();       //initialize sensors

void loop()
    GY80_scaled val = sensor.read_scaled();       //get values from all sensors
    // print out values

    Serial.print("Mag:");                         //magnetometer values
    Serial.print(' ');
    Serial.print("Acc:");                         //accelerometer values
    Serial.print(' ');
    Serial.print("Gyro:");                        //gyroscope values
    Serial.print(' ');
    Serial.print("P:");                           //pressure values
    Serial.print(' ');
    Serial.print("T:");                           //temperature values

    delay(250);        // delay in between reads for stability

create a new set of tabs in the ide (+ in the top right) called GY80. copy this to the new GY80.cpp tab

#include "application.h"
#include "GY80.h"
#include "math.h"

    m_scale = 1;
    //a_scale = 0;
    g_scale = 1;
    //g_scale_z = 1;
    m_scale_values[0] = 0;
    m_scale_values[1] = 100.0/1100;
    m_scale_values[2] = 100.0/855;
    m_scale_values[3] = 100.0/670;
    m_scale_values[4] = 100.0/450;
    m_scale_values[5] = 100.0/400;
    m_scale_values[6] = 100.0/330;
    m_scale_values[7] = 100.0/230;
    m_scale_values_z[0] = 0;
    m_scale_values_z[1] = 100.0/980;
    m_scale_values_z[2] = 100.0/760;
    m_scale_values_z[3] = 100.0/600;
    m_scale_values_z[4] = 100.0/400;
    m_scale_values_z[5] = 100.0/355;
    m_scale_values_z[6] = 100.0/295;
    m_scale_values_z[7] = 100.0/205;
    g_scale_values[0] = 0.007629;
    g_scale_values[1] = 0.015259;
    g_scale_values[2] = 0.061035;
    p_oss = 0;

void GY80::begin()

GY80_raw GY80::read_raw()
    GY80_single_raw single;
    GY80_raw raw;

    single = m_read_raw();
    raw.m_x = single.x;
    raw.m_y = single.y;
    raw.m_z = single.z;

    single = g_read_raw();
    raw.g_x = single.x;
    raw.g_y = single.y;
    raw.g_z = single.z;

    single = a_read_raw();
    raw.a_x = single.x;
    raw.a_y = single.y;
    raw.a_z = single.z;

    raw.p = p_read_raw();
    raw.t = t_read_raw();

    return raw;
GY80_scaled GY80::read_scaled()
    GY80_single_scaled single;
    GY80_scaled scaled;

    single = m_read_scaled();
    scaled.m_x = single.x;
    scaled.m_y = single.y;
    scaled.m_z = single.z;

    single = g_read_scaled();
    scaled.g_x = single.x;
    scaled.g_y = single.y;
    scaled.g_z = single.z;

    single = a_read_scaled();
    scaled.a_x = single.x;
    scaled.a_y = single.y;
    scaled.a_z = single.z;

    scaled.p = p_read_scaled();
    scaled.t = t_read_scaled();

    return scaled;
//######################################################### MAGNETOMETER CODE
void GY80::m_init()

GY80_single_raw GY80::m_read_raw()
    uint8_t* buffer = read(GY80_dev_m,GY80_m_reg_data, 6);
    GY80_single_raw raw;
    raw.x = (buffer[0] << 8) | buffer[1];
    raw.z = (buffer[2] << 8) | buffer[3];
    raw.y = (buffer[4] << 8) | buffer[5];
    return raw;

GY80_single_scaled GY80::m_read_scaled()
    GY80_single_raw raw = m_read_raw();
    GY80_single_scaled scaled;
    scaled.x = raw.x * m_scale;
    scaled.y = raw.y * m_scale;
    scaled.z = raw.z * m_scale_z;
    return scaled;

void GY80::m_set_scale(uint8_t scale)
    scale &= 0x07; //only lower 3 bits
    m_scale = m_scale_values[scale];
    m_scale_z = m_scale_values_z[scale];
    write(GY80_dev_m, GY80_m_reg_cfgB, (scale<<5));

void GY80::m_set_mode(uint8_t mode)
    write(GY80_dev_m, GY80_m_reg_mode, mode);

//######################################################### ACCELEROMETER CODE
void GY80::a_init()
    write(GY80_dev_a, GY80_a_reg_pwrctrl, 0x00);
	write(GY80_dev_a, GY80_a_reg_pwrctrl, 0x10);
	write(GY80_dev_a, GY80_a_reg_pwrctrl, 0x08);

void GY80::a_set_scale(uint8_t scale)
    uint8_t format = *read(GY80_dev_a,GY80_a_reg_format,1);

    scale &= 0x03;
    format &= ~0x0F;
    format |= scale;
    format |= 0x08;

    write(GY80_dev_a,GY80_a_reg_format, format);

void GY80::a_set_bw(uint8_t bw)
    bw &= 0x0F;

GY80_single_raw GY80::a_read_raw()
    GY80_single_raw raw;
    uint8_t * buf;
    buf = read(GY80_dev_a,GY80_a_reg_data,6); //read the acceleration data from the ADXL345

	// each axis reading comes in 10 bit resolution, ie 2 bytes.  Least Significat Byte first!!
	// thus we are converting both bytes in to one int
	raw.x = (((int16_t)buf[1]) << 8) | buf[0];
	raw.y = (((int16_t)buf[3]) << 8) | buf[2];
	raw.z = (((int16_t)buf[5]) << 8) | buf[4];
    return raw;

GY80_single_scaled GY80::a_read_scaled()
    GY80_single_scaled scaled;
    GY80_single_raw raw = a_read_raw();

    scaled.x = raw.x * GY80_a_scale;
    scaled.y = raw.y * GY80_a_scale;
    scaled.z = raw.z * GY80_a_scale;
    return scaled;
//######################################################### GYROMETER CODE
void GY80::g_init()
    write(GY80_dev_g, GY80_g_reg_ctrl1, 0x0F); //power on, enable x,y,z
    write(GY80_dev_g, GY80_g_reg_ctrl2, 0x00);
    write(GY80_dev_g, GY80_g_reg_ctrl3, 0x00);
    write(GY80_dev_g, GY80_g_reg_ctrl5, 0x00);

void GY80::g_set_scale(uint8_t scale)
    case GY80_g_scale_250:
        g_scale = g_scale_values[0];
    case GY80_g_scale_500:
        g_scale = g_scale_values[1];
    case GY80_g_scale_2000:
        g_scale = g_scale_values[2];
        scale = GY80_g_scale_2000;
        g_scale = g_scale_values[2];
    write(GY80_dev_g, GY80_g_reg_ctrl4, scale);

GY80_single_raw GY80::g_read_raw()
    uint8_t buffer[6];

    for(uint8_t i = 0; i<6;i++)
        buffer[i] = *read(GY80_dev_g,GY80_g_reg_datax+i, 1);
    GY80_single_raw raw;
    raw.x = (buffer[1] << 8) | buffer[0];
    raw.y = (buffer[3] << 8) | buffer[2];
    raw.z = (buffer[5] << 8) | buffer[4];
    return raw;

GY80_single_scaled GY80::g_read_scaled()
    GY80_single_raw raw = g_read_raw();
    GY80_single_scaled scaled;
    scaled.x = raw.x * g_scale;
    scaled.y = raw.y * g_scale;
    scaled.z = raw.z * g_scale;
    return scaled;

//######################################################### BAROMETER CODE

void GY80::p_init()
    uint8_t * ptr;

    ptr = read(GY80_dev_p,0xAA,22);
    p_calib.ac1 = (ptr[0]<<8)|ptr[1];
    p_calib.ac2 = (ptr[2]<<8)|ptr[3];
    p_calib.ac3 = (ptr[4]<<8)|ptr[5];
    p_calib.ac4 = (ptr[6]<<8)|ptr[7];
    p_calib.ac5 = (ptr[8]<<8)|ptr[9];
    p_calib.ac6 = (ptr[10]<<8)|ptr[11];
    p_calib.b1 = (ptr[12]<<8)|ptr[13];
    p_calib.b2 = (ptr[14]<<8)|ptr[15];
    p_calib.mb = (ptr[16]<<8)|ptr[17]; = (ptr[18]<<8)|ptr[19]; = (ptr[20]<<8)|ptr[21];


uint32_t GY80::p_read_raw()

    uint8_t *buffer;
    uint32_t up = 0;

    // Write 0x34+(OSS<<6) into register 0xF4
    // Request a pressure reading w/ oversampling setting
    write(GY80_dev_p, 0xF4, (0x34 + (p_oss<<6)));

    // Wait for conversion, delay time dependent on OSS
    delay(2 + (3<<p_oss));

    // Read register 0xF6 (MSB), 0xF7 (LSB), and 0xF8 (XLSB)
    buffer = read(GY80_dev_p,0xF6,3);

    up = (((unsigned long) buffer[0] << 16) | ((unsigned long) buffer[1] << 8) | (unsigned long) buffer[2]) >> (8-p_oss);

    return up;

float GY80::p_read_scaled()
    long x1, x2, x3, b3, b6, p;
    unsigned long b4, b7;

    uint32_t up = p_read_raw();

    b6 = p_calib.b5 - 4000;
    // Calculate B3
    x1 = (p_calib.b2 * (b6 * b6)>>12)>>11;
    x2 = (p_calib.ac2 * b6)>>11;
    x3 = x1 + x2;
    b3 = (((((long)p_calib.ac1)*4 + x3)<<p_oss) + 2)>>2;

    // Calculate B4
    x1 = (p_calib.ac3 * b6)>>13;
    x2 = (p_calib.b1 * ((b6 * b6)>>12))>>16;
    x3 = ((x1 + x2) + 2)>>2;
    b4 = (p_calib.ac4 * (unsigned long)(x3 + 32768))>>15;

    b7 = ((unsigned long)(up - b3) * (50000>>p_oss));
    if (b7 < 0x80000000)
        p = (b7<<1)/b4;
        p = (b7/b4)<<1;

    x1 = (p>>8) * (p>>8);
    x1 = (x1 * 3038)>>16;
    x2 = (-7357 * p)>>16;
    p += (x1 + x2 + 3791)>>4;

    float temp = ((float)p)/100000.0;
    return temp;

float GY80::p_read_altitude()
    float A = p_read_scaled()/1.01325;
    float B = 1/5.25588;
    float C = pow(A,B);
    C = 1 - C;
    C = C /0.0000225577;

    return C;

uint16_t GY80::t_read_raw()
    uint16_t ut;
    uint8_t *buffer;

    // Write 0x2E into Register 0xF4
    // This requests a temperature reading
    write(GY80_dev_p, 0xF4, 0x2E);

    // Wait at least 4.5ms

    buffer = read(GY80_dev_p,0xF6,2);
    // Read two bytes from registers 0xF6 and 0xF7
    ut = (buffer[0]<<8)|buffer[1];
    return ut;

float GY80::t_read_scaled()
    uint16_t ut = t_read_raw();
    long x1, x2;

    x1 = (((long)ut - (long)p_calib.ac6)*(long)p_calib.ac5) >> 15;
    x2 = ((long) << 11)/(x1 +;
    p_calib.b5 = x1 + x2;

    float temp = ((p_calib.b5 + 8)>>4);
    temp = temp /10;

    return temp;

//######################################################### I2C CODE
void GY80::write(uint8_t device, uint8_t address, uint8_t data)

uint8_t* GY80::read(uint8_t device, uint8_t address, uint8_t length)

    Wire.requestFrom(device, length);
    uint8_t buffer[length];
    if(Wire.available() == length)
        for(uint8_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
            buffer[i] =;

    return buffer;

this to the GY80.h tab

#ifndef GY80_H
#define GY80_H

#include "application.h"

#define GY80_dev_m 0x1E
#define GY80_dev_a 0x53
#define GY80_dev_g 0x69
#define GY80_dev_p 0x77

#define GY80_m_reg_cfgA 0x00
#define GY80_m_reg_cfgB 0x01
#define GY80_m_reg_mode 0x02
#define GY80_m_reg_data 0x03
#define GY80_m_mode_continous 0x00
#define GY80_m_mode_single 0x01
#define GY80_m_mode_idle 0x03
#define GY80_m_scale_0_88 0x00
#define GY80_m_scale_1_3 0x01
#define GY80_m_scale_1_9 0x02
#define GY80_m_scale_2_5 0x03
#define GY80_m_scale_4_0 0x04
#define GY80_m_scale_4_7 0x05
#define GY80_m_scale_5_6 0x06
#define GY80_m_scale_8_1 0x07

#define GY80_g_reg_ctrl1 0x20
#define GY80_g_reg_ctrl2 0x21
#define GY80_g_reg_ctrl3 0x22
#define GY80_g_reg_ctrl4 0x23
#define GY80_g_reg_ctrl5 0x24
#define GY80_g_reg_datax 0x28
#define GY80_g_reg_datay 0x2A
#define GY80_g_reg_dataz 0x2C
#define GY80_g_scale_250 0x00
#define GY80_g_scale_500 0x10
#define GY80_g_scale_2000 0x30

#define GY80_a_reg_pwrctrl 0x2D
#define GY80_a_reg_data 0x32
#define GY80_a_reg_format 0x31
#define GY80_a_reg_bw 0x2C
#define GY80_a_bw_3200 0b1111 // 1600Hz Bandwidth   140µA IDD
#define GY80_a_bw_1600 0b1110 //  800Hz Bandwidth    90µA IDD
#define GY80_a_bw_800  0b1101 //  400Hz Bandwidth   140µA IDD
#define GY80_a_bw_400  0b1100 //  200Hz Bandwidth   140µA IDD
#define GY80_a_bw_200  0b1011 //  100Hz Bandwidth   140µA IDD
#define GY80_a_bw_100  0b1010 //   50Hz Bandwidth   140µA IDD
#define GY80_a_bw_50   0b1001 //   25Hz Bandwidth    90µA IDD
#define GY80_a_bw_25   0b1000 // 12.5Hz Bandwidth    60µA IDD
#define GY80_a_bw_12_5 0b0111 // 6.25Hz Bandwidth    50µA IDD
#define GY80_a_bw_6_25 0b0110 // 3.13Hz Bandwidth    45µA IDD
#define GY80_a_bw_3_13 0b0101 // 1.56Hz Bandwidth    40µA IDD
#define GY80_a_bw_1_56 0b0100 // 0.78Hz Bandwidth    34µA IDD
#define GY80_a_bw_0_78 0b0011 // 0.39Hz Bandwidth    23µA IDD
#define GY80_a_bw_0_39 0b0010 // 0.20Hz Bandwidth    23µA IDD
#define GY80_a_bw_0_20 0b0001 // 0.10Hz Bandwidth    23µA IDD
#define GY80_a_bw_0_10 0b0000  // 0.05Hz Bandwidth    23µA IDD (default value)
#define GY80_a_scale 0.004
#define GY80_a_scale_2 0x00
#define GY80_a_scale_4 0x01
#define GY80_a_scale_8 0x02
#define GY80_a_scale_16 0x03

struct GY80_scaled
    float a_x;
    float a_y;
    float a_z;

    float m_x;
    float m_y;
    float m_z;

    float g_x;
    float g_y;
    float g_z;

    float p;
    float t;

struct GY80_raw
    int16_t a_x;
    int16_t a_y;
    int16_t a_z;

    int16_t m_x;
    int16_t m_y;
    int16_t m_z;

    int16_t g_x;
    int16_t g_y;
    int16_t g_z;

    uint32_t p;
    uint16_t t;

struct GY80_single_raw
    int16_t x;
    int16_t y;
    int16_t z;

struct GY80_single_scaled
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;

struct GY80_p_calibration_type
    int ac1;
    int ac2;
    int ac3;
    unsigned int ac4;
    unsigned int ac5;
    unsigned int ac6;
    int b1;
    int b2;
    int mb;
    int mc;
    int md;
    long b5;

class GY80

    void begin();

    GY80_raw read_raw();
    GY80_scaled read_scaled();

    //magnetometer HMC5883L
    void m_set_mode(uint8_t mode);
    void m_set_scale(uint8_t scale);
    GY80_single_raw m_read_raw();
    GY80_single_scaled m_read_scaled();
    void a_set_scale(uint8_t scale);
    void a_set_bw(uint8_t bw);
    GY80_single_raw a_read_raw();
    GY80_single_scaled a_read_scaled();
    void g_set_scale(uint8_t scale);
    GY80_single_raw g_read_raw();
    GY80_single_scaled g_read_scaled();
    uint32_t p_read_raw();
    float p_read_scaled();
    float p_read_altitude();
    uint16_t t_read_raw();
    float t_read_scaled();

    void m_init();
    void a_init();
    void g_init();
    void p_init();

    void write(uint8_t device, uint8_t address, uint8_t data);
    uint8_t* read(uint8_t device, uint8_t address, uint8_t length);

    float m_scale;
    float m_scale_values[8];
    float m_scale_z;
    float m_scale_values_z[8];
    float g_scale;
    float g_scale_values[3];
    unsigned char p_oss;
    GY80_p_calibration_type p_calib;

#endif // GY80_H