Forums, a precious resource, handle with care

@Bendrix… I’m too new to the Forum, so I can’t PM you, unfortunately. But very interested in your points and would enjoy private discussion. Please PM me or reach out on Twitter @CosmicPuppySF. Thanks!

(Pardon the interruption, everyone else… I definitely find this thread and the Forum very informative, but not much of a contributor here yet. Find me on SmartThings Community though if you wish! @tgauchat).

For a start-up, we’re impressed by how much the Partcle team has gotten done (we know, being a start-up ourselves).

The reason our company chose the Core and Photon was because it was so damn easy to use… no questions required beyond the docs, forum history, and Google. Sure, the docs aren’t perfect, and forum answers get long-winded, but we had the firmware compiling in < 30mins and flashed in the Core.

I mention that because there are a lot of us silent users who have no problem… no apocalypse coming


I moved 2 posts to an existing topic: Can I Turn the CC3000 OFF? [solved]

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