Hi I I have been trying to figure out how to use a flow meter sensor with Particle and have had a few problems so far. I should mention I have not used flow sensors before and am just trying to wrap my head around it – and how interrupt timing works.
I saw from an earlier post ( Flow sensor library ) a Water flow sensor sketch, but when I try this code the water pulse count always reads 50, even when there is zero flow and up to 55 at high flow. It seems this code is not really working (perhaps because it was from a few years ago?). I’ve posted that sketch below.
I saw a more recent post ( Timer Based Interrupts syntax (adafruit flow meter) ) that recommends using Spark Interval Timers as a way of doing the interrupt counting. Which makes me think: is there a more “up to date” way of implementing such a flow sensor sketch? Any suggestions much appreciated.
Water flow sensor test sketch
unsigned long oldTime;
volatile unsigned int WaterPulseCount = 0;
// conversion from pps to litres, plastic sensor (485 for metal)
const float pulsesPerLiter = 450;
// Spark Digial Pin D3 (D2 did not work)
#define WATER_SENSOR_PIN D3 // Water sensor digital pin
// Define Spark variable - not sure "float" type works so define as INT
// so decimal is shifted left with * 100 (so xx.yy becomes xxyy)
float liters = 0;
char liters_S[6];
// Water Sensor interrupts
void WaterPulseCounter(void)
// Increment the water pulse counter
//detachInterrupt (WATER_SENSOR_PIN) ;
//attachInterrupt(WATER_SENSOR_PIN, WaterPulseCounter, FALLING) ;
void setup()
Spark.variable("litersS", &liters_S, STRING);
// Set Digital pin WATER_SENSOR_PINT to INPUT mode and set
// interrupt vector (water flow sensor) for FALLING edge interrupt
attachInterrupt(WATER_SENSOR_PIN, WaterPulseCounter, FALLING) ;
oldTime = millis();
void loop()
unsigned long t;
static unsigned int pc;
t = (millis() - oldTime);
if(t >= 1000) // Only process counters once per second
//Read water sensor pulse count and process
if (WaterPulseCount != 0) // Do nothing if water is not flowing!
detachInterrupt (WATER_SENSOR_PIN); // Disable water flow interrupt to read value
//Calculate litres and adjust for 1 sec offset, if any
liters = (WaterPulseCount / pulsesPerLiter) * (t / 1000);
oldTime = millis(); // Reset base delay time
pc = WaterPulseCount;
WaterPulseCount = 0; // Reset the water pulse counter
attachInterrupt(WATER_SENSOR_PIN, WaterPulseCounter, FALLING);
sprintf(liters_S, "%4.3f", liters);
Serial.print("WaterPulseCount= ");
Serial.print(", liters= ");
Serial.print(", liters_S= ");