FastLED update?

Hey all, I’ve been looking to use FastLED for many reasons, one of which is the power management functionality. The version on the library on the particle site lists it as 3.1.3, but that must be a particle version after the original version was added. I was wondering if someone had time, could they look into updating the library to the current version? The setMaxPowerInVoltsAndMilliamps function isn’t available with the library version available on particle now.

There’s a bunch of threads about it getting added, several of which are out of my understanding. If it’s a matter of just copying text over, I can do that, but all past correspondence made it seem a bit more complicated than that.

Secondly, if someone is looking into this, instead of just adding the include statement, could you also have FASTLED_USING_NAMESPACE; appended to the top when you add the library? That was a stumbling block when I first started. I’m used to just adding the neopixel library and going from there.

Thanks to whoever looks into this, and let me know if you need any information!

The current version on Build is 3.1.5.
Maybe you need to hit REFRESH LIBRARIES
Or look at the (i) icon next to the library name to select a different version.

And the best way to ask about an update for a contributed library is via the contributors GitHub repo.

I hit refresh libraries, the library did not update to a newer version that contains the newest version of FastLED. You can tell by searching FastLED.h on Particle Build for setMaxPowerInVoltsAndMilliamps.

You can see it available on the current version here:

I did look at the (i) icon, the versions listed there (3.1.3, 3.1.1, 3.1.4) do not correspond to the release versions of FastLED (, which is why I stated that the versions listed must be for particle only. Looking at the code, it seems the library added is 3.1 (you can see on line 12 of FastLED.h), and the power management things were added in FastLED 3.1.1. This is different than Particle’s 3.1.1.

I am not asking for an update to the library itself. The FastLED library itself is fine. I am asking if someone could update it on the particle side, so that I can take advantage of new functionality that would be very helpful for me and anyone else who wants power management to their LED projects. If there’s a better medium for this request at particle, please let me know.

Maybe you need to clear your browser cache and the Build cache (CLEAR CACHE in the settings drawer) too in order to se 3.1.5.

And AFAIK there is more to it then just copying and restructuring the directories over to Build and that can only be done by the person who has originally contributed the library - he still owns that library in Build.
Hence I said and still say

And here is the home of the Spark/Particle port

I do not need to clear my cache. I do not need to clear the build cache. I linked you to a list of all FastLED library versions. I stated to you what versions I see in Particle’s Build environment. It matches your screenshot.

There is no such thing as a FastLED 3.1.5. It does not exist. In Particle’s build environment, it says it does. That is something internal to particle. It has nothing to do with the actual FastLED library version imported to the Particle environment.

Thank you for the link to the Spark/Particle port. I will open an issue there to see if that helps.

Well I'll stop bothering you with my well ment comments.

BTW: You did not mention 3.1.5!

No mention of 3.1.5 - so I just thought you might have an outdated cache.


That is not internal to Particle (not a decission made by Particle) but a versioning decission of an individual who decided to do so. And I didn't intend to plough through the original FastLED library to question the versioning decission of the contributor.

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Hi @gelicia

I don’t think you understand how Particle libraries work. The libraries in the web IDE are not generally controlled by Particle–they are user contributed. In this case, someone forked (that is, made a private copy so they could make changes to) the original FastLED library and changed it, that is ported it, to the Particle universe.

They then published this to the web IDE to share with everyone and in that process, they can choose whatever version number they feel is right. It could have been 1.0 or 10.5, but they probably started with the version of FastLED they forked. Somewhere along the line bugs were discovered and fixed and they incremented the version number of their fork as they saw fit and the version number of the original library and the ported library became out of sync.

If you want the author of the port (focalintent on GitHub) to get the latest version of the original FastLED library and try to merge it with his or her changes to get newer working version for the Particle universe, you should ask them on GitHub by raising an issue.

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I am a professional software developer. I know what forking is. I know how particle libraries work. My purpose of posting about this in this forum was so that a community member that participated in the particle port of fastLED would hopefully see this and update the version of the port to the current fastLED library version. My attempt to bring up library numbers from the beginning was an attempt to head off the argument that the version was already current when it is not. Also, I didn’t bring up 3.1.5 because it is the current version and not in the history list but I assure you that it is the current port version I see on my Particle libraries.

I have made an issue on focalintent’s repo and he has given me some very helpful information. But even if I had done that from the beginning, I still would have posted this issue because other community members besides the repo owner might have the know-how to do it and would do so then issue a PR to him.

closing / unlisting this thread for now