External RAM shield

Core Memory Shield v001

1Mbit (128KB) 30MHz SPI FRAM + MicroSD Card Slot

Why FRAM (Ferroelectric Random Access Memory) you ask? It can read and write nearly as fast as SRAM while being non-volatile (permanent storage without power) like Flash! You don’t have to erase an entire block before writing like Flash and you can write one byte at a time if you want. Some people want SRAM, some people want Flash and others want EEPROM. Having FRAM onboard answers all three of those requests!

FRAM can write at low voltages (1.8 to 3.6V) at just 5mA (which kills flash) and only draws 15uA during standby! Also, unlike EEPROM and Flash, FRAM has a virtually unlimited lifespan (the cells can be re-written at least 10^13—Ten Trillion—times per byte)!

Since there’s so much space left on the board, I might add some dedicated SRAM (or at least the footprints for it) for video/display use.

Anyway, since this is such a simple board it might be released relatively soon! Oh, and the routing on the board is not permanent! I’m going to go back in and re-do it after I move some stuff around and do my copper pours.