Error reading EEPROM

I want to use EEPROM to store an INT that i can use after a reboot.

I have this code in place to store the value. That generates no errors.

int addr = 10; 
uint16_t tempSet;
EEPROM.put(addr, tempSet);

But when i want to retrieve the value with

int addr = 10;
uint16_t tempSet;
EEPROM.get(addr, tempSet);
if(tempSet == 0xFFFF) {
  tempSet = 10;  // EEPROM was empty -> initialize value

I get this error.

worst.ino:19:7: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '.' token error
worst.ino:20:1: expected unqualified-id before 'if'

Anybody an idea what i'm doing wrong? I thought i followed the example well.

Can you also post the context of these instructions?

This error message may suggest that you are calling these functions in the declaration section and not from within a function.


// Settings
int maxTempDiff = 1; // value should not be zero! worst should not get x degrees hotter or colder 
int fanSpeed = 100; //  value between 0% and 100%

int addr = 10;
uint16_t tempSet;
EEPROM.get(addr, tempSet);
if(tempSet == 0xFFFF) {
  tempSet = 10;  // EEPROM was empty -> initialize value

//int tempSet = 10; // temperature setting

const long valuesInterval = 1000; // interval for getting values // 1000 is ok
const long publishInterval = 30000; // interval for publishing values // 30000 for production and 5000 for debugging

// libs
#include <Adafruit_DHT.h> // DHT library
#define DHTPIN 7 // pin of DHT sensor for internal temp en humidity measurement
#define DHTTYPE DHT11 // sensor type

#include <DS18B20.h>
const int      MAXRETRY          = 4;
DS18B20  ds18b20(D6, true); //Sets Pin D6 for external temp sensor

// Variables
int extTemp;
int intTemp; // to store the internal temperature
int intHumi; // to store the internal humidity
int worstHumi; // to store humidity of the worst
int relayCooling = D0; // relay for controling the cooling of the worstkast
int relayHeating = D1; // relay for controlling the heating the worstkast
int climaStatus; // to store the status of the climate controls, is the heating (1) or cooling (2) activated
int enviroStatus = 0; // to store the status of the enverimont, is the outside of the worstkast cooler (1) or hotter (2) then the desired temperature 
unsigned long previousMillisPublishInterval = 0; // remember the time 
unsigned long previousMillisValuesInterval = 0; // remember the time 

void setup() {
    dht.begin(); // Start DHT sensor
    pinMode(D0, OUTPUT); //relay1
    pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); //relay2
    pinMode(D6, INPUT); //external temperature sensor
    pinMode(D7, INPUT); //internal temperature / humidity sensor
    pinMode(A0, OUTPUT); //external fan
    pinMode(A1, INPUT); // humidity sensor

void loop() {
    unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); // what time is it?
    if (currentMillis - previousMillisValuesInterval >= valuesInterval) {
    previousMillisValuesInterval = currentMillis;
    getValues(); // get all values from the worstkast sensors
    if (currentMillis - previousMillisPublishInterval >= publishInterval) {
    previousMillisPublishInterval = currentMillis;
    publishValues(); // publish to console and dashboard
    climaControl(); // regulate the climate in the worstkast
    delay(10);        // delay 10 ms in between reads for stability

int setFan (String value) { // function to call from Losant to control the fan
    fanSpeed = value.toInt();
    return 1;

int setTemp (String value) { // if a new temp is set from the dashboard 
    tempSet = value.toInt();
    // Write the tempSet to an EEPROM address
    int addr = 10; 
    uint16_t tempSet;
    EEPROM.put(addr, tempSet);
    return 1;

void getValues () { // read the values of the DHT sensor
    intTemp = dht.getTempCelcius(); // internal temperature measurement
    intHumi = dht.getHumidity(); // internal humidity measurement
    worstHumi = map (analogRead(A1),4096,500,0,100); // worst humidity measurement (4096 = 0% humi and 500 100% humi) and mapping to percentage

void publishValues () { // publish the values to the losant dashboard
  // sprintf(extTemp, "%2.0f", extTemp);
    Particle.publish("worst_closet_data", String(intTemp) + ":" + String(intHumi) + ":" + String(tempSet) + ":" + String(fanSpeed)
    + ":" + String(climaStatus) + ":" + String(enviroStatus) + ":" + String(worstHumi) + ":" + String(extTemp));

void climaControl () { // climaControl routine
    int fanWrite = map(fanSpeed, 0, 100, 0, 255); // transform from percentage (0-100) to value we can write to fan (0-255)
    analogWrite (A0, (fanSpeed)); // set fan to speed x
    int maxTemp = tempSet + maxTempDiff ; // calculate the minimum temperature based on the set temp. and the max allowed deviation 
    int minTemp = tempSet - maxTempDiff ; // calculate the maximum temperature based on the set temp. and the max allowed deviation 
    if (extTemp < minTemp) { // if enverimont is colder then minimum temp that worstkast has to be warmed to
        enviroStatus = 1; 
        if (intTemp >= maxTemp) { // if hot enough
        digitalWrite(relayHeating, LOW); // stop heating
        climaStatus = 0;
        else if (intTemp <= minTemp) { // if to cold 
        digitalWrite(relayHeating, HIGH); //start heating
        climaStatus = 1;
    else if (extTemp > maxTemp) { // if enverimont is hotter then maximum temp that the worstkast has to be cooled to
        enviroStatus = 2; 
        if (intTemp <= minTemp) { // if cold enough
        digitalWrite(relayCooling, LOW); // stop cooling
        climaStatus = 0;
        else if (intTemp >= maxTemp) { // if to hot
        digitalWrite(relayCooling, HIGH); //start cooling
        climaStatus = 2;
    else if (extTemp = tempSet) {
           enviroStatus = 0; 

void getTemp(){ // for reading external temp sensor
  float _temp;
  int   i = 0;

  do {
    _temp = ds18b20.getTemperature();
  } while (!ds18b20.crcCheck() && MAXRETRY > i++);

  if (i < MAXRETRY) {
    extTemp = _temp;
  else {
    extTemp = NAN;

As I expected.

That code can't be placed outside of a function - only delcarations/definitions are allowed there.

When you put

  EEPROM.get(addr, tempSet);
  if(tempSet == 0xFFFF) {
    tempSet = 10;  // EEPROM was empty -> initialize value

into setup() the error will go away.


That was an easy fix :slight_smile: Thx for the help!

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