I am in the process of wifi enabling my old fashioned doorbell (smartphone notifications, home automation etc.). My problem lies in the most basic feature of a doorbell – making the bell ring!
The originall doorbell is driven by two 1,5V DC batteries (D size). Powering the Particle Photon of a USB charger / USB cable I plan to power the bell of the 3V3 and GND pin. Connecting the wires directly to the pins makes a reel clean and powerfull ring.
My problem lies in controlling the ring with the Particle Photons digital pins. I bought a MOSFET N-channel transistor (irfz44n) but can’t get it to work!!
Connecting the transistor leaves the bell ringing half force and connecting the gate to a HIGH or LOW digital pin makes no difference in ring speed/force.
How do I control/trigger the bell using my Particle Photon? Any ideas?
Picture/Wire explanations:
BLUE Digital pin connected to GATE
WHITE deliberate shortcut of the original doorbell trigger switch
Kenneth! You are completely right! Thanks … Unfortunally the D4 pin is not powerfull enough to open the gate. But if I connect the gate (blue wire) to the VIN pin the bell rings (even after I disconnect the wire) and stops when connected to GND. Any suggestions to this? Is my MOSFET the wrong choice or do I need a second transistor trigging the IRFZ44n?
Put a 10K resistor between Vin and the gate. When you switch your I/O pin (5V tolerant) to input, it will raise the gate voltage to 5V shutting it off. Switch it to output and low to ring the bell.