DHT22 Returning Value of -7.00 on Photon w/ RelayShield

Running a code example from the Piette DHT library from October 2014.

This is a new unit from SMAKN without any pre-soldered stuff. I took @ScruffR and @Moors7 's advice and soldered the headers on, but I’m still getting -7.000000. Pretty sure I have a 10k resistor on there (its hard to tell, but its in #2, pulling signal up to 3.3v). Wired like these here.


 * FILE:        DHT_simple.ino
 * VERSION:     0.3
 * PURPOSE:     Example that uses DHT library with two sensors
 * LICENSE:     GPL v3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
 * Samples one sensor and monitors the results for long term
 * analysis.  It calls DHT.acquireAndWait
 * Scott Piette (Piette Technologies) scott.piette@gmail.com
 *      January 2014        Original Spark Port
 *      October 2014        Added support for DHT21/22 sensors
 *                          Improved timing, moved FP math out of ISR

#include "PietteTech_DHT/PietteTech_DHT.h"

#define DHTTYPE  DHT22       // Sensor type DHT11/21/22/AM2301/AM2302
#define DHTPIN   2           // Digital pin for communications

void dht_wrapper(); // must be declared before the lib initialization

// Lib instantiate
PietteTech_DHT DHT(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE, dht_wrapper);
int n;      // counter

void setup()
    while (!Serial.available()) {
        Serial.println("Press any key to start.");
        delay (1000);
    Serial.println("DHT Example program using DHT.acquireAndWait");
    Serial.print("LIB version: ");

// This wrapper is in charge of calling
// must be defined like this for the lib work
void dht_wrapper() {

void loop()
    Serial.print(": Retrieving information from sensor: ");
    Serial.print("Read sensor: ");
    Serial.print("Humidity (%): ");
    Serial.println(DHT.getHumidity(), 2);

    Serial.print("Temperature (oC): ");
    Serial.println(DHT.getCelsius(), 2);

    Serial.print("Temperature (oF): ");
    Serial.println(DHT.getFahrenheit(), 2);

    Serial.print("Temperature (K): ");
    Serial.println(DHT.getKelvin(), 2);

    Serial.print("Dew Point (oC): ");

    Serial.print("Dew Point Slow (oC): ");
