DHT11 temperature/humidity sensor retrieves "nan" from temperature and a stable meaningful humidity value

Code written in accordance with Tracker Eval Board Tutorials | Tutorials | Particle
The tracker Log retrieves “nan” on temperature and ~38 on humidity. Time to time temperature is measured and retrieved as 23. Serial data output on “Grove_Temperature_And_Humidity_Sensor.cpp” at lines 145-151 yield

27, 0, 2E, 10, 46 =? 65

at nan

27, 0, 17, 8, 46 =? 46

at 23 degrees centigrade.

@rickkas7 - when you have a moment can you take a look?

That is likely to happen because the DHT-11 is not a great sensor to use on Gen 3 Particle devices, even though it’s included in the kit. Any number of I2C sensors such as the DS75 and SHT-31D work far better, especially with the Tracker One.

It’s very common to get nan results with the Grove_Temperature_And_Humidity_Sensor library, because the sensor fails to read properly. Bits slip due to interrupt latency because the BLE radio on the nRF52840 runs at a high priority, and runs even if interrupts are disabled via noInterrupts().

0000099452 [app] INFO: temp=nan hum=19.000000
0000101452 [app] INFO: temp=nan hum=22.000000
0000103452 [app] INFO: temp=nan hum=22.000000
0000105452 [app] INFO: temp=nan hum=22.000000
0000107452 [app] INFO: temp=nan hum=22.000000
0000109452 [app] INFO: temp=nan hum=22.000000
0000111452 [app] INFO: temp=nan hum=22.000000
0000113452 [app] INFO: temp=nan hum=22.000000
0000115452 [app] INFO: temp=nan hum=22.000000
0000117452 [app] INFO: temp=nan hum=22.000000
0000119452 [app] INFO: temp=22.000000 hum=22.000000
0000455453 [app] INFO: temp=nan hum=23.000000
0000457453 [app] INFO: temp=22.000000 hum=22.000000
0000459453 [app] INFO: temp=22.000000 hum=23.000000
0000461453 [app] INFO: temp=22.000000 hum=22.000000
0000463453 [app] INFO: temp=nan hum=23.000000
0000465453 [app] INFO: temp=22.000000 hum=22.000000
0000467456 [app] INFO: temp=nan hum=0.000000
0000469453 [app] INFO: temp=22.000000 hum=23.000000
0000471453 [app] INFO: temp=22.000000 hum=22.000000
0000473453 [app] INFO: temp=nan hum=23.000000
0000475453 [app] INFO: temp=nan hum=22.000000

If you really want to use the DHT11, the best solution is to use the DHT22Gen3_RK library.

Using that library instead produces rock-solid output because it uses the nRF52 I2S (sound) peripheral to sample the bits from the sensor using the hardware DMA peripheral so it’s unaffected by system interrupts.

0000054920 [app] INFO: sampleResult=0 tempF=71.6 tempC=22.0 humidity=20.0 tries=1
0000056920 [app] INFO: sampleResult=0 tempF=71.6 tempC=22.0 humidity=24.0 tries=1
0000058920 [app] INFO: sampleResult=0 tempF=71.6 tempC=22.0 humidity=24.0 tries=1
0000060920 [app] INFO: sampleResult=0 tempF=71.6 tempC=22.0 humidity=24.0 tries=1
0000062920 [app] INFO: sampleResult=0 tempF=71.6 tempC=22.0 humidity=24.0 tries=1
0000064920 [app] INFO: sampleResult=0 tempF=71.6 tempC=22.0 humidity=24.0 tries=1
0000066920 [app] INFO: sampleResult=0 tempF=71.6 tempC=22.0 humidity=24.0 tries=1
0000068921 [app] INFO: sampleResult=0 tempF=71.6 tempC=22.0 humidity=24.0 tries=1
0000070921 [app] INFO: sampleResult=0 tempF=71.6 tempC=22.0 humidity=23.0 tries=1
0000072920 [app] INFO: sampleResult=0 tempF=71.6 tempC=22.0 humidity=24.0 tries=1
0000074920 [app] INFO: sampleResult=0 tempF=71.6 tempC=22.0 humidity=23.0 tries=1

Here’s the full source code:

#include "Particle.h"

#include "tracker_config.h"
#include "tracker.h"

#include "DHT22Gen3_RK.h"
#include "TemperatureHumidityValidatorRK.h"



SerialLogHandler logHandler(115200, LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, {
    { "app.gps.nmea", LOG_LEVEL_INFO },
    { "app.gps.ubx",  LOG_LEVEL_INFO },
    { "ncp.at", LOG_LEVEL_INFO },
    { "net.ppp.client", LOG_LEVEL_INFO },

// The two parameters are any available GPIO pins. They will be used as output but the signals aren't
// particularly important for DHT11 and DHT22 sensors. They do need to be valid pins, however.
DHT22Gen3 dht(A4, A5);

// Library: TemperatureHumidityValidatorRK
TemperatureHumidityValidator validator;

// Sample the temperature sensor every 2 seconds. This is done so the outlier values can be filtered out easily.
const unsigned long CHECK_PERIOD_MS = 2000;
unsigned long lastCheck = 0;

void locationGenerationCallback(JSONWriter &writer, LocationPoint &point, const void *context); // Forward declaration

void setup()
    // Callback to add key press information to the location publish

    // Initialize temperature sensor


void loop()

    if (millis() - lastCheck >= CHECK_PERIOD_MS) {
        lastCheck = millis();

        dht.getSample(A1, [](DHTSample sample) {
            if (sample.isSuccess()) {
                Log.info("sampleResult=%d tempF=%.1f tempC=%.1f humidity=%.1f tries=%d",
                        (int) sample.getSampleResult(), sample.getTempF(), sample.getTempC(), sample.getHumidity(), sample.getTries() );
                // Log.info("dewPointF=%.1f dewPointC=%.1f",
                //        sample.getDewPointF(), sample.getDewPointC() );
                validator.addSample(sample.getTempC(), sample.getHumidity());
        else {
                Log.info("sample is not valid sampleResult=%d", (int) sample.getSampleResult());
        }, &DHT22Gen3::sensorTypeDHT11);

        // Log.info("tempC=%f tempF=%f humidity=%f", validator.getTemperatureC(), validator.getTemperatureF(), validator.getHumidity());

void locationGenerationCallback(JSONWriter &writer, LocationPoint &point, const void *context)
    float tempC = validator.getTemperatureC();
    if (!isnan(tempC)) {
        writer.name("temp").value(tempC, 2);

    float hum = validator.getHumidity();
    if (!isnan(hum)) {
        writer.name("hum").value(hum, 1);


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Two pins? I thought this was some kind of a one wire protocol?

The DHT11 protocol is one wire. The two extra pins are literally extra pins because the I2S peripheral requires them. That’s the downside of using the DHT22Gen3_RK library.

You can still use the Grove_Temperature_And_Humidity_Sensor library, just expect that a bunch of the results will be nan. That’s why the original example polls every 2 seconds and aggregates the results, so it doesn’t matter that a lot of samples fail to acquire.

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It seems to work.
There might have been an error made in DHT22Gen3_RK.cpp line 82 (bytes[5] = {0};). Suggesting memset(bytes, 0, 5);
Also the negative temperature shows without a sign, we iced the sensor, it showed 20 centigrade minimum, started gradually going to 0, and then back to 25.

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