I have created a Oauth ID and secret for my product and now am attempting to perform a customer creation.
I am using NodeJS to build a web app and a snippet of my HTTPS POST looks as follows:
{ user: 'productIDHere:IDSecretHere', no_password: true, email: 'test@test.com'
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
When I attempt execute the code, an error is returned as: {error":“invalid_request”,“error_description”:“The access token was not found”}.
I suspect I am passing the ID and Secret wrong in the POST function but can’t quite figure it out.
Update: I was not using the correct names for the arguments. The correct arguments are found at https://docs.particle.io/reference/device-cloud/api/#create-a-customer---implicit
Note that [ 3. Create a Customer ] found here https://docs.particle.io/tutorials/device-cloud/authentication/#two-legged-implementation is misleading/lacking information.