I have an electron and after many hours of searching and reading cant figure out how to convert take a cracked date/time (i.e. year, month, day, hour, minute, second) and turn that into unix epoch time.
I have an electron and after many hours of searching and reading cant figure out how to convert take a cracked date/time (i.e. year, month, day, hour, minute, second) and turn that into unix epoch time.
you can use the mktime()
function… like in this function call:
unsigned int myTime = tmConvert_t(Time.year(), Time.month(), Time.day(), Time.hour(), Time.minute(), Time.second());
time_t tmConvert_t(int YYYY, byte MM, byte DD, byte hh, byte mm, byte ss) // inlined for speed
struct tm t;
t.tm_year = YYYY-1900;
t.tm_mon = MM - 1;
t.tm_mday = DD;
t.tm_hour = hh;
t.tm_min = mm;
t.tm_sec = ss;
t.tm_isdst = 0; // not used
time_t t_of_day = mktime(&t);
return t_of_day;