#Piggy’s LED Playground
A simple web integrated suite of apps that allow a WS2812 strip to be controlled.
- REST API (useful for IFTTT etc)
- Responsive web app
- Multiple Animations with different options
- Token protection
- All animations in Loop-Mode or fixed number of cycles
- KnightRider:
- Video
- Options: Length of trail (for fadeout), Speed, Cycles, Color
- ColorWipe:
- Video
- Options: Speed, Cycles
- RainbowFade:
- Video
- Options: Speed, Cycles, Brightness
- RainbowPattern:
- Video
- Options: Speed, Cycles, Density (Number of Rainbows per strip), Brightness
- SparkleColors:
- Video
- Options: Density, Speed, Cycles, Color or Random Colors
##ToDo / Possibilities
- Optimize Code of Spark Core. Enough places for better memory usage, faster animation calculations
- Make API smarter (e.g. Log all animations to database for ‘most used animations settings’ or stats for each caller by different tokens)
- More animations:
- MorseCode, input a text and show a ticker with Morse code
- HeartBeat/Breath, animate a single color by brightness to look like heartbeating or breathing
- ColorFade, fade between multiple colors (instead through the complete rainbow)
- Integrate services (e.g. with IFTTT or other APIs), “new mail, cyan Knightrider”, “facebook notification, blue blinking”, etc
- Combine with an alarmclock for visual alarm
- Spark Core (Spark Photon not tested)
- WS2812B LED Strip (other Adafruit NeoPixel-Compatible LEDs might work)
- Web server with PHP >= 5.3.0
##Configurations / Installation
- Spark Core:
- Pin, LED Count, LED Type
- PHP:
- Spark Device ID and Spark Access Token (inside function sendPost())
- Token for API (inside function setDefaultConditions())
##Acknowledgement / Used Libraries
- Adafruit NeoPixel Library
- SparkCore-NeoPixel
- Slim Framework
- Bootstrap
- bootstrap-colorselector
- bootstrap-slider
- bootstrap-toggle
Piggy’s LED Playground