Connecting OLED Breakout Board (ILSoft)

I am trying to connect my Core to the ILSoft OLED, see
I think I could use the Adafruit SSD1351 library, but am struggling to work out the connections? and which library to use?
I have searched but can’t find how to connect up the OLED?

@tombradshaw, I have a library already ported, including the mfGFX (multi-font GFX) library here. I recommend you use Spark CLI or Spark DEV to compile it, or, copy all the files into the tabs of a new app in the web IDE. Your “app” should be the test.ino file. Also in that file you will find the wiring requirements (somewhat). What you will need is:

Core           OLED
GND            8 (GND)
Vin            2 (Vcc)
A3 (slck)      5 (sck)
A5 (mosi)      4 (sdi)
A2 (ss)        6 (cs#)
D3             3 (d/c#)
D2             7 (rst#)

The library is already set to use only the default GLCDFONT from the GFX library, as well as, a display geometry of 128x128. :smile:

Thanks that worked! Cheers!!!

BTW one note for people reading this, I used the web IDE, and it added extra #includes in the test.ino file when I added in the cpp and h files, these are not needed and prevent it compiling, worth checking if you have an issue.

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Is it possible to use anything other than GLCDFONT? setFont doesn’t seem to do anything?

@tombradshaw you have uncomment fonts in fonts.h to enable them. Each enabled font consumes flash space so being judicious in their selection is recommended. Once you have a font enable, you can select it. :smile: