I’m connecting a number of 5V devices to the Photon and reading outputs via Analog Pins…
Is there a general schematic & set of components to convert the 5V analog output to 3.3V, thus avoiding damage to the Photon’s ADC & get more usable readings?
I used an LDR, connected to the Vin Pin of Photon, to calculate Ambient Light. And the photon never read 0 when there is no light. In a range of 0-100, the minimum photon could compute is 12-13. Then I powered the LDR with 3.3V Pin of Photon. And now it shows 0 when there’s no light. Now my device is safe and I get better usable readings.
This makes me think converting the Analog Output from 5V devices to 3.3V will solve a lot of issues. In my case I use a MQ135, MQ6 sensors and they need to be powered with 5V(using Vin) so they get heated up and work correctly. But now the output of these devices has to be converted to 3.3V.