Custom circuit board is generating a high pulse for 135mS on WKP when primary power supply is restored, this isn't waking the P2 and now appreciating that the P2 has some gotchas with pin use (D6, D7 and TX at boot) I am struggling to know what the issue is. There is a reset supervisor - could it be that the pulse needs to be longer to allow for the boot to happen and the firmware setup() function to be run? What time should this be to ensure the P2 is woken.
Just to be sure: On the P2, the WKP pin is pin 30 (D10). On the Photon 2 it's also D10, but it's in the same position in the Feather connector as D8 on the Argon and Boron, next to D7.
Which sleep mode are you using (HIBERNATE, or STOP/ULP)?
What pin mode setting are you using for the GPIO wake (RISING, FALLING, or CHANGE)?
Since you are using a high pulse, I assume it's probably a push-pull driver, not open-collector, but just making sure.
When AC_PRESENT is high WAKE sees a high pulse of 135mS duration.
SystemSleepConfiguration config;
.gpio(WKP, RISING);
Have tried RISING and FALLING - neither work.
Does it work if you just jumper WKP high briefly? That would eliminate the circuit as an issue. It should be level-sensitive so the length of the pulse shouldn't matter for wake RISING.
Hi Rick,
I found the cause, software flag related to the ethernet networking. Thanks for replies.
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