Compile errors with Neopixel library and Dotstar library on Raspberry Pi

I'll look into it.

Looking at the code in this post
You never set needRefresh to true and hence the strip will never be actually updated.

Here you can find the intent of the two flags needRefresh and canRefresh

BTW, with 1m of that strip you should also change the settings at the top of your sketch correctly
Instead of

#define LEDCOUNT 300
uint32_t pxBuffer[LEDCOUNT];
// actually for the APA102 protocol you need some extra bytes for leadin/leadout
//uint32_t pxBuffer[1 + LEDCOUNT + LEDCOUNT/16 + 1]; // element 0 (leadin) ... LEDs ... 1 leadout clock per 2 LEDs (ceil)

you need

const int LEDCOUNT = 144;
uint32_t pxBuffer[1 + LEDCOUNT + LEDCOUNT/16 + 1]; // element 0 (leadin) ... LEDs ... 1 leadout clock per 2 LEDs (ceil)
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