Communicate PLC and Boron 2G/3G using Ethernet FeatherWing

It’s hard to say for sure which would be easier. There’s also a third option, which is probably the one I would do:

Use the Particle Ethernet FeatherWing hardware, but not the Device OS support.

  • Leave the Ethernet detection feature flag off so Device OS won’t look for the port.
  • The Ethernet FeatherWing is just a Wiznet W5500. It has a simple AT interface with a socket implementation for TCP and UDP. There are some libraries available for it, I would just use one of those.
  • Since you have direct control over the Wiznet, you can do the IP address management yourself.
  • Since the Wiznet is not connected to the Boron’s IP stack, you preserve the gap between the isolated network and the Internet.