I have create a simple program for setting a time based alarm. I can check the current time with my variable “currTme” then set an alarm for a few minutes in the future using the function “times”.
The creation of the alarm seems to work correctly, but it will not trigger the callback function “runTime1”.
Not sure what I am missing.
Here is the entire code:
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include "TimeAlarms/TimeAlarms.h"
#undef now()
int led = D7; // Instead of writing D7 over and over again, we'll write led2
char timeQuery[27]{0x00};
char currTime[25];
AlarmID_t alarm1 = 255;
struct TimeObj
bool active = false;
int hour = 0;
int minute = 0;
//EEPROM Addresses
int CalibAddr = 0;
int TimeZoneAddr = 1;
int Cat1Addr = 2;
// The STARTUP call is placed outside of any other function
// What goes inside is any valid code that can be executed. Here, we use a function call.
// Using a single function is preferable to having several `STARTUP()` calls.
STARTUP( setInitalValues() );
void setup() {
Particle.variable("timeQuery", timeQuery, STRING);
Particle.variable("currTime", currTime, STRING);
while( Time.now() < 10000) {
void loop() {
Time.timeStr().toCharArray(currTime, 25);
int timeSet(String command) {
debug(String::format("timeSet: %s", command.c_str()));
String action = command.substring(0, 2);
String arg = command.substring(2);
if (action=="up") {
int act = atoi(arg.substring(0,1));
int hour = atoi(arg.substring(1,3));
int min = atoi(arg.substring(3,5));
TimeObj obj;
EEPROM.get(Cat1Addr, obj);
obj.active = act;
obj.hour = hour;
obj.minute = min;
if(alarm1 == 255){
alarm1 = Alarm.alarmRepeat(hour, min, 0, runTime1);
Alarm.write(alarm1, AlarmHMS(hour, min, 0));
if(alarm1 != 255){
EEPROM.put(Cat1Addr, obj);
return 0;
else if (action=="zn") {
int8_t num = atoi(arg);
EEPROM.write(TimeZoneAddr, num);
return 1;
else {
return -1;
void runTime1(){
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
TimeObj obj;
EEPROM.get(Cat1Addr, obj);
void setTimeVariable(){
TimeObj obj1;
EEPROM.get(Cat1Addr, obj1);
String str = String::format("%i%02i%02i ", obj1.active, obj1.hour, obj1.minute);
str.toCharArray(timeQuery, sizeof(timeQuery));
void setInitalValues(){
int8_t zone = (int8_t)EEPROM.read(TimeZoneAddr);
Time.zone(zone); // gmt offset
TimeObj obj1;
EEPROM.get(Cat1Addr, obj1);
alarm1 = Alarm.alarmRepeat(obj1.hour, obj1.minute, 0, runTime1);
EEPROM.put(Cat1Addr, obj1);
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
// Log message to cloud, message is a printf-formatted string
void debug(String message) {
char msg [50];
sprintf(msg, message.c_str());
Particle.publish("DEBUG", msg);