Camera Module (Has anyone done the hard work yet)

No to nag here and needlessly use “CPR” on this thread… but it seems that the idea of still-images or tiny streaming is not yet really solved.
For me, I’d like to have a camera take pictures every 30min and on motion-detector demand, have the Core or Photon deal with the business logic with it, and then tweet the picture. I’d prefer to have one setup running all my operations rather have the core do things and then get a pi for the other stuff… once you go particle,… you know. :wink:

I know the Core is not really designed for Video streaming (this is what I have now)

Anyone has luck trying out the Photon ? Comparing to Core, how much more CPU & WiFi module power it has increased ? Do we have a comparison chart ?

@bko Now that the Photon is out, do you still think that the new Broadcom chip + the ARM Cortex are unable to send anything remotely worth looking at?
E.g. QVGA resolution, at 1 byte/pixel, in raw Bayer, and 5 fps, or something?

Hi @robotjackie

I think the Photon has much greater potential and higher reliability. I have not made any direct measurements but I think the kind of specs you said above should be possible using either TCP or UDP depending on your requirements.

As an existence proof there is an Electric Imp photo capture blog posting using essentially the same hardware and an SPI camera here.

It would be awesome to give the Photon & Electron the ability to snap photos and even better slow video.

@bko Could you help me troubleshoot my code? It’s at

Hi @robotjackie

I am happy to try and help but that’s roughly 1000 lines of code and you don’t say where you are having problems. I believe that @kennethlimcp has worked with this camera (I assume you have a OV7670) or a similar i2c camera too.

Some folks are still reporting issues with i2c on Photon in the 0.4.7 release but many people are not having issues, so that is something to consider.

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Double posting does bind more resources with less results, while a single post would concentrate resources and usually bring about better results quicker.
Double post Arducam library!

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