C++ Class Expertise needed!

Ok, so the following code (snippet) works fine if compiled on Arduino but it fails if compiled locally or using Particle CLI:

class RGB {
    uint16_t col;
    uint8_t red;
    uint8_t green;
    uint8_t blue;

    RGB(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);

    void setColor(int32_t r, int32_t g, int32_t b);

    RGB convert565toRGB(uint16_t color);
    uint16_t convertRGBto565(RGB color);
    uint16_t convertTo565();

class PixelsBase {
    /* device physical dimension in portrait orientation */
    int16_t deviceWidth;
    int16_t deviceHeight;

    /* device logical dimension in current orientation */
    int16_t width;
    int16_t height;

    boolean landscape;

    uint8_t orientation;

    boolean relativeOrigin;

    /* currently selected font */
    prog_uchar* currentFont;

    RGB* foreground;
    RGB* background;

The error occurs as the first RGB* foreground; giving “error: ‘RGB’ does not name a type”. I can understand that declaring an OBJECT of a class inside the same class is not allowed, I don’t understand why the function declaration is not working. Moreso, why does it work on Arduino!?

Are the 2 classes declared in the same file? I had problems with that on the IDE a while a go

@marcus, yes, they are in the same file.

Just a dumbo question, the file is a header file and not an .ino with its preproc weirdness :wink:

@ScruffR, it is a header file.

Well, I am not the guru but I remerber trying somthing like this a while a go. And I had to put the classes in different libraries. Why not give it a try :wink:

@marcus, what do you mean “different library”. Did you mean, different files?

in the IDE, define a different lib. The ide stores the classes “lib’s” in different directories. I learned this when I received a backup of my code from Particle. The application is stored in a top dir, and all lib’s are stored in different subdir’s. containing the .h and .cpp file

@marcus, I think I understand what you mean. I’ll split the two classes into two sets of .cpp/.h files and try that. :wink:

let me know the result!

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Paul, I’m puzzled too,but try this

typedef class RGB {
} rgb_t;

class PixelsBase {
  rgb_t* foreground;

This at least built on Web IDE.

Some info about class versus structs:
typedef Specifier
enter link description here
The empty declarations compile, but the following code gives the same errors as @peekay saw.

typedef class RGB {
int var;
void f(){};
void q(){};
} rgb_t;

class PixelsBase {

rgb_t* foreground;
foreground->f(); //error
foreground->var =0; //error

I’m not an expert either, but my first thought (from experience) was to break them into separate files as well.

I split the RGB class def into RGB.h and the class functions into RGB.cpp, fixed the includes all around and I still get the same errors. The RGB class is just not getting defined for some reason.

Hold a min, there already is an RGB object (RGB.control() …) in the Particle world - is this getting in your way (with an obscure error message tho’)?

@peekay123, if you wrap your lib in a namespace WhatEver and use WhatEver::RGB* foreground; or use namespace WhatEver any ambiguities should be resolved.

typedef class RGB {
  int var;
  void f(){};
  void q(){};
} rgb_t;

class PixelsBase {
  rgb_t* foreground;
  //foreground->f(); //error <-- this is not allowed in a class definition
  //foreground->var =0; //error <-- ditto

Actually no, these are not the same error messages as Paul was seeing.
You, are putting "active code" (function call and pointer deref) where only declarations are allowed.

It's not a class vs. struct thing, the reason why the typedef works is because it also resolves above ambiguity.


you are correct, I fiddled a bit further with the code and this compiles :blush:

typedef class RGB {

    void f();
    int var;
    void q();
} rgb_t;

void rgb_t::f(){
void rgb_t::q(){};

class PixelsBase {
      rgb_t* foreground;

PixelsBase pb;

void setup() {
    pb.foreground->var =0; 

void loop() {



I did what you did too, and the solution is that RGB in capitals is apparently a name used by the firmware, I tried ‘rgb’ with small letters, and that compiled.

I checked the documentation and voila!
RGB is an existing library.

@marcus, @ScruffR, I had done a search for the RGB stuff in the firmware and totally missed it!! When I renamed the entire RGB class and references to RGBp instead, it all compiled. Thanks for your help folks! This community rocks as usual.

BTW, the code I am porting is for the Pixels graphics library :smile:


Those are LED’s too huh, :smiley:, What’s in a name!