I’ve been reading thru the threads on solutions posted throughout the past year, and seems like there are so many options.
I just basically need to continuously call a function to retrieve the next item in an array with or without connectivity. Currently, the code is blocked from running while flashing green/blue.
You need to be a little careful about what you call from loop, as well. For example, you probably only want to Particle.publish() when you’re actually connected to the cloud. With all of these things done, I’ve found that loop() runs very smoothly even as you connect and disconnect and reconnect from the cloud and Wi-Fi.
@rickkas7, I’d rather suggest SEMI_AUTOMATIC than MANUAL otherwise you need to take care of Particle.process()while being cloud bound too (MANUAL is good once you are a bit more familiar with the under-the-hood behaviour tho’). SEMI_AUTOMATIC on the other hand is a start-and-forget mode (just drop out of loop() often enough).
@sansoy, was there a question between the lines or are you happy with Rick’s answer already?
@ScruffR i’m new to this platform and we have a very high visibility event happening this monday so a little stressed I just need the code to continue running in case we lose connectivity. I’ll first try semi_automatic and may throw questions at you if i have problems. the docs are pretty straight forward on implementation. thx
Since you didn't show the implementation I just guessed from the function name, if you keep toggling between different tones that quickly I just thought that'd not be the what you planned