B402 on Eval Board i2c devices

I ran an i2c scanner on the eval board with a B402 attached. I got the below results.

I am unable to figure out what is connected to address b6H and ebH. Does anyone know?

0000014206 [app] INFO: I2C device found 54, 0x36, MAX17043
0000014229 [app] INFO: I2C device found 107, 0x6b, bq24195
0000014262 [app] INFO: I2C device found 182, 0xb6, EVAL_Board?
0000014285 [app] INFO: I2C device found 235, 0xeb, EVAL_Board?

The I2C scanner program you’re using is scanning too high. The last address is 127, not 255.

There are only two I2C devices on the eval board.

182 = 0xB6. That’s just 0x36 with the high bit set and ignored.

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Thanks, below is what I was using

uint8_t i2cScanner() {
  WITH_LOCK(Wire) {
    if (!Wire.isEnabled()) Wire.begin();

    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
       if (!Wire.endTransmission()) {
         Serial.print("I2C device found ");

    return 0; //error no accl found

I’ll update this to be

for (uint8_t i = 0; i <= 127; i++) {

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