Thanks… it helped, a lot!!, particulary to understand the webhook set up and usage, however the way he uses the data is the opposite direction, meaning that he pulls data from uweather, and use it in the board.
I want to massage data in the board about 100 long variables (16bits), have them included in one array and then use the webhook to send it out to if you take a look to the JSON lines that artik is requiering me to use to POST the data, data has an array. (here it is…)
“data”: {
“VariableArrayName”: [
“sdid”: “########id############”,
“type”: “message”
I have fixed values now just for the sake of testing, and it worked.
At this point i created the webhook with fixed values and particle console suggests the following call out for the publish instruction:
void loop() {
// Get some data
String data = String(10);
// Trigger the webhook
Particle.publish(“artikHook”, data, PRIVATE);
// Wait 60 seconds
And maybe, just maybe, and I am thinking while typing I just need to massage the message increase the string size, and input the data variable with JSON string format including my refreshed data.
I don’t know if that would work.
On the other hand the data field not just includes the data, it includes the “sdid” and “type”, which are fixed and already included in my webhook, should I just erase the entire content of data in my webhook and have it been created within my particle HW, or perhaps by just excluding the raw data part from my webhook, and call will merge the raw data part along with the rest of the sdid and type values.
I guess it is a quick test, but my hardware is running something else… mhhmm!