I am doing my first experiments with an IoT starter kit. So far, everything works when the Argon is USB. The moment that I unplug it and try to power it with the provided LiPo battery, it goes dead.
@irwige: I mean that the device is not lighting up, it’s like not getting any power. It doesn’t matter which code it has, not even with the Blink an LED example.
@DaveH: the battery came with the IoT starter kit, so I assume that the polarity was correct. Nevertheless, checking against the datasheets, yes, it is correct. Yes, I agree: it should be a case of plugging the battery and it should run…
Hmm, odd… Is the Grove shield a feather shield? Check it isnt shorting something out or that you arent accidentally locating it on the socket wrong. I did that once where it was mismatched to the headers (see image below).
You’ll notice that the Li+ pin is not even connected in this instance (also, it’s mismatching a whole heap of other pins).
Edit: also remove any devices connected to the Grove shield to make sure that it isnt a dodgy sensor. Then add them back one by one to figure out which it is. You may have a device plugged into the wrong socket.
I dont use Grove anymore (had one back when I was still using Arduino), but didn’t realise when I first got into this that Grove uses all the same plugs, regardless of whether it’s a digital, analog, or serial sensor. You need to learn which sensors plug into which sockets or they wont work.
@irwige: your post made me think about the shield… It is well connected, that’s not the problem. Luckily, I have a few kits available, so I tested with another shield. And it goes! (see image below)
Can it be that the shield is damaged? I barely used it… just open the kit and run the first example!!!
Probably a dodgy shield shorting something out as the Argon itself is being powered by the battery, not the shield. Check the under side of the shield to see if there is any bridging of solder between a few of the key pins (likely GND, Li+, 3.3, USB, MD, EN, NC, or RST (the rest probably wouldnt stop it at least starting?).
Also, best to obscure images of your QR code and serial numbers, lest someone try to claim your device Not sure how easy it is to hijack a unit after it's been claimed, but good practice regardless.
If you have a multimeter, unplug both shields and test resistance between li+ and GND, see if that differs between them. Also check LI+ and EN, then EN and GND. EN is next to LI+, which a messy solder joint could connect. When this is connected to GND it will disable the device. I’m not sure what would happen connecting to LI+.