Adafruit feather terminal block breakout board with Boron

Hi All,
A short update on this, that may be of help to others.

I think I understand what happens with this board and my difficulty connecting.

When a Boron is connected to this board, and using the antenna that comes with the boron, the Boron has a hard time connecting. If I disconnect from the terminal board, or use an NCD board in it’s place, it doesn’t have any trouble connecting. I believe it’s an RF problem, that the Adafruit board is affected by the transmit from the antenna enough that it won’t connect. If I move the antenna as far as possible from the adafruit board, it will connect.

Unfortunately I’m trying to make a compact assembly with board, sensors, battery and enclosure, so even though this is a very compact and useful to me form factor, it just doesn’t work when you put the antenna in the equation.

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