Abnormal SIM Card data volume usage on Electron

Yes that's true and I agree that we should close the other.

I've made sure that there is no handshake happening and debugged it on device and in the console as well. Everytime a handshake is being made you see DEVICE-ONLINE Message appearing in the logs - which is not the case with my devices.

Also you have to make sure that between publish and deep sleep there's some idle time - but not with a delay - just to give the system thread some time to run Particle.process() a bit.

There is just a single publish happening with 16 bytes of user data.

But see my latest info on that:

When waking from deep sleep 135 bytes are send to reuse current session. So 135 Bytes x 12-Times during an hour = 1620 Bytes - which is exactly the difference between Deep Sleep and No Sleep!!! (and not calculated - these are measured facts)

This exactly behaves as written in the docs:

Connecting to the cloud after reset or wake-up sends just a reconnect message, using 135 bytes of data. (Source)

I also read about how the communication is build up and found this one here:

So - Let's say a single Publish with NO_ACK (just like in my case) takes about 70 Bytes overhead - this makes:

12 Times per Hour x 70 Bytes = 840 Bytes overhead per Hour

and we have to add:

16 Bytes payload x 12 Times per Hour = 192 Bytes per Hour

this makes a total of 1.032 Bytes - or 1 KB per Hour

But I am having 2300 Bytes / 2,3 KB per Hour - So there is a difference - and which cannot be because of a handshake (which really does not take place). It has to be something that happens underneath - or (more realistic) - It's because of encryption of payload since you cannot simply take 16 Bytes payload and encrypt it without adding up to the overall size!