A great & very cheap MP3 sound module without need for a library!

@ScruffR There we are again…
I applied you wisdom, and I’m sure your thinking is correct, but I can still not make the module pick a particular song from a particular folder… :smirk:

To test it, I try to make a “Juke-box” sketch:
When it starts up, it should play the first song (001.mp3) from the first folder (001).
When I connect a pin to Gnd, (buttonNextFolder) the next folder up (002) should be selected and all songs should be played till the last one…

Currently, it always restarts from song 001 in folder 01 :flushed:

Here’s my (provisional) looping code:

void loop ()
 if (digitalRead(buttonNextFolder) == LOW)
  folderNr = folderNr+1;
  songNr = 1;
  execute_CMD(0x0F, folderNr, songNr); // Maximum: Play folder 99, song 255
  execute_CMD(0x11,0,1);    // Play mode: [DH]=0, [DL]=1:Loop play, 0:stop
 // While playing (busy) do nothing
 // When stopping (not busy): songNr ++; and return