Sorry about the unprofessionally/unlabeled graph, but there are values starting at the 20 in fully retracted point. I just used a ruler and went for inch interments all the way to 12. Sorry this is all non-metric… I used a trend line and the function is displayed on the graph.
@bvolzmfg, that is a thing of beauty! As you can see, the fit to a straight line (R squared) is very near the ideal value of 1. As you can see, there is an offset of 578 (if you extend the line to 0 inches, the ADC value is 578).
Are there possible readings below 8 inches or is that the mechanical limit of your configuration?
The equation you want for your code though, is the one where the inch values are on the y axis and the ADC values on the x axis, since it’s those ADC values that you measure, and you want to calculate inches. So, you can either re-plot the data that way, or just rearrange the equation to solve for x.
There would be readings potentially close to the 20 inch max of the transducer and down to 0 inches. So most of the mechanical range (0-20 in) is used.
@bvolzmfg, you may want to take a few measurements at the low end, ideally between 0 and 5 inches to make sure the linear relationship holds. Once that is done, the code will be easy to implement.
I appreciate all the help. Especially @peekay123. It works great for now, just had to alter the slope a little to get it to read properly at high and low.
Here is the code final code for anyone’s future reference.
int PositionTransducerPin = A0; // connected to analog pin 0
int PositionReading = 0;
int LiftPosition = 0;
void setup()
Particle.variable("Position", &PositionReading, INT);
void loop()
PositionReading = analogRead(PositionTransducerPin);
if (PositionReading >= 581 && PositionReading <= 2921) { // Only calculate and publish is transducer reading is in range
LiftPosition = 0.0085*PositionReading - 4.5065 ; // values for 120 Ω resistor
Particle.publish("Position", String(LiftPosition));
@bvolzmfg, for the sake of “proper” coding, you should add a range check prior to your calculation to avoid spurious and incorrect readings. For example if the ADC returns a value below 531, a negative distance will be returned. Also, for ADC values above 2883, the distance will exceed the transducer’s 20 inch range. So, adding this simple check will discard any invalid values:
void loop()
PositionReading = analogRead(PositionTransducerPin);
if (PositionReading >= 531 && PositionReading <= 2883) { // Only calculate and publish is transducer reading is in range
LiftPosition = 0.0085*PositionReading - 4.5065 ; // values for 120 Ω resistor
Particle.publish("Position", String(LiftPosition));
I appreciate that, wouldn’t have thought of it. I am having to adjust the top and bottom of the range (531 & 2883) a little because it wont read 20 Inches at at its stationary position. I guess that is just the variation of resistor?
@bvolzmfg, yup you nailed it. The transducer has a specified error range and the 120 ohm resistor is most likely a +/- 5% resistor. Simply adjust your “acceptable” value range accordingly. Good job!