General class ham radio operator KE6TCE. I earned a BA in Economics from UC Santa Cruz and embarked on a career in purchasing. Landed a job as Purchasing Agent for a commercial cabinet manufacturer who hired me for my computer skills and ended up developing multiple generations of a purchasing / estimating application using the DataFlex relational DBMS. From there I went on to earn an MBA and an MIS from Claremont Graduate University… at that point I’d had enough of programming for a while. I spent a couple of years in the scrap metal business which landed me in Alaska… Now I’m spending a lot of time with oil fired residential heating systems. My interest in Particle centers around tracking residential heating fuel usage boiler performance at homes located in remote isolated Alaskan villages in real time. I’m making good progress and appreciate the ongoing support of the Particle community. I’m still learning C… probably will be for the rest of my life!