Tutorial: Sending Tweets from Spark Core

Okay guys, this code by SaraJo works perfectly. The instructions are pretty simple.

  1. Go to this site and follow Step 1. Save the long string you get (OAuth Key), you’ll need this later!
  2. Paste the code I’ve provided below into a new Sketch in the WebIDE.
  3. At the top of the code you’ll see a line called #define TOKEN "OAuth". Replace the word OAuth with the long string you got in Step 1. (Be sure you keep the quotes around your OAuth string!)
  4. At the very top of the code you’ll find a line called char msg[] = "Hi, I'm a tweet from a Spark Core!";. Replace that sentence with whatever you want to tweet!
  5. That’s it! Flash the sketch to your Core and check your Twitter account!

Caveats: You can only send around one tweet per minute, so don’t run this code in the main loop!

If this works for you guys I’ll wrap it up into a neat little function.


// Message to Post
char msg[] = "Hi, I'm a tweet from a Spark Core!";

// OAuth Key
#define TOKEN "OAuth"

// Twitter Proxy
#define LIB_DOMAIN "arduino-tweet.appspot.com"

TCPClient client;

void setup()

    client.connect(LIB_DOMAIN, 80);
    client.println("POST /update HTTP/1.0");
    client.println("Host: " LIB_DOMAIN);
    client.print("Content-Length: ");

void loop() {