Tiny WebServer code

@bko Thank you alot, that worked and to me it seems much simpler than to be connected serial and instaling programs and so on, but that’s my opinion :smiley:

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Hi @darek_student

I am glad it worked out for you! It occurred to me after I posted that one of my tutorial web pages would well for you:

If you use edit the HTML file in this example to add your access token (which you need to keep secret) and the load this page in a web browser using the file:/// syntax, you can enter your publish string (“myIPAddr”) and see you address easily:


hi @bko i followed the steps but the website doesn’t shows
webClient.println(“I’m serving a webpage!\n\n”);
this line of code. mind helping me out? thanks

Hi @JAlonso

Sorry I was away for a few days.

  • Are you sure you have the right local address? How are you getting that? Via publish or checking router logs or static IP?

  • What happens when you do go to the address? Anything at all?

  • What happens if you use curl like this:

curl -v

substituting your core’s IP address for or course.

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Hi @bko thx for reply, its ok for late or what haha :smile:
yes i see an publish ip address via “view-source:https://api.spark.io/v1/devices/device_id/events/myIPAddr/?access_token=<>” when i go to the address, which i published, it give me nothing.
where shoud i put “curl -v” ? in cmd? in code? after substituting core IP to, then will be the address to access core?

Hi @JAlonso

Whatever IP address you get back from the
URL in your browser (let’s pretend you got back for example), then in a cmd shell (assuming you have installed curl) do this:

curl -v

so, after i installed curl(currently don’t know what is this), i go to cmd and run “curl -v http://ip_i_get” then i can access the core with “ip_i_get”?

Hi @JAlonso

curl does web requests (GET PUT POST) like a browser but from the command line. The -v flag is verbose and will tell us if the connection is responding at all. It is just a debugging tool.

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thx :smile: appreciated that… will try out with core tomorrow. thx again.

Ok. It’s 2017 now, and here are some changes and hints to get this example to work.

  1. Compiler tells me Spark is deprecated in favor of Particle. Ok. Small change. and it’s only a deprecation, not an error.
  2. Problem. "/workspace/tinywebserver.cpp:11: undefined reference to spark::NetworkClass::localIP()" On expanding error the helpful line is replace Network.localIP(); with WiFi.localIP();
  3. Go to https://console.particle.io/devices , find your device, Under Variables -> ipAddress, click [Get] and read the IP address. It might be something like
  4. Open a browser and type in that ip with aport of 80. For example You should get a web page that says I'm serving a webpage!.