Hi @jlkalberer, I love the responseTopic
feature. Here is how it goes:
On your webhook:
"event": "get_location",
"url": "https://neutrinoapi.com/ip-info",
"requestType": "POST",
"query": {
"ip": "{{myIP}}",
"mode": "json"
"responseTopic": "hook-response/get_location_{{SPARK_CORE_ID}}",
"json": null,
"auth": null,
"mydevices": true
On your firmware:
Particle.subscribe(String("hook-response/get_location_" + System.deviceID()), locationHandler, MY_DEVICES);
Particle.publish("get_location", "{\"myIP\":\"" + myIP + "\"}", 60, PRIVATE);
You can deploy this firmware to all your Photons. Only when the hook is responding to that specific Photon’s call, that device’s locationHandler
will be call.
Hope this helps.