SparkTime and Unix epoch time

You can track some of what's happening on this here...

meanwhile you could use a webhook to compare local time to GMT, but you have to know where on earth you are:

or you can simply calculate it, if you know you are in CST, for example:

bool IsDST(int dayOfMonth, int month, int dayOfWeek)  // North American values
  if (month < 3 || month > 11)
    return false;
  if (month > 3 && month < 11)
    return true;
  int previousSunday = dayOfMonth - dayOfWeek;
  if (month == 3)
    return previousSunday >= 8;
  return previousSunday <= 0;

and in loop()

bool daylightSavings = IsDST(, Time.month(), Time.weekday()); -5 : -6);