Just to chip in and give some inputs that function call from python is working for me.
In the other thread, i gave @Dave an example python code i used to call functions which uses the request module.
Spark Code:
int LED = D7; int timing = 500;
int blinky(String command);
void setup() { Spark.function("blink", blinky); pinMode(LED,OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); }
void loop() { digitalWrite(LED,HIGH); delay(timing); digitalWrite(LED,LOW); delay(timing); }
int blinky(String command){ Serial.println(command);
if(command == "fast"){ timing = 50; return 50; } else if (command == "slow"){ timing = 500; return 500; } else if (command == "hello%20there") { timing = 200; return 200; } else return -1; }
Just did a fresh test and things worked well. At least the basic function call is fine with simple args like slow, fast, hello there
Hope this helps!