Queue data in cloud while device is offline?

It has not happened. Thank you for bringing it up. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m happy to report that we are actively designing a feature that could fill this need though. Thereā€™s no telling exactly when it will be released, but the topic is finally bubbling up! Sorry you had to wait so long!

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Has it happened now? I have exactly the same issue. I want my device to be powered off must of the time, and as soon as is online again, retrieve all pending events.

The introduction of the Rules Engine has provides a means to achieve this. Itā€™s still in Beta though, but feel free to apply :slight_smile:


Jordyā€™s right about the rules engine, but no, the feature I was referring to in April got deprioritized as we ramped up to all-hands-on-deck for the third generation hardware.

Luis, I appreciate you advocating for this feature. Please keep doing so. As my best guess right now, I do not foresee it being implemented before mid-2019 at the earliest, probably later.

In the short term, your best bet is to implement the queueing in your own web app, along these lines:

  • in your own web app, enqueue the messages
  • make sure the firmware is subscribed to hook-response/get-messages (see the webhook tutorial)
  • on wakeup, have the device publish a get-messages event
  • create a webhook that listens for that event and hits your web app
  • the response body of your web app should be a list of messages in a format that your firmware can process

Good luck!

:point_up: FYI @jeiden (product manager of the feature youā€™re asking about)


@zachary, thanks a lot for the transparency and open communication on this very hard problem. Iā€™m guessing that since thereā€™s been no news that this hasnā€™t come to fruition yet. Any chance for an update?

Has any work been done on this feature. I would think for low power designs, queuing of firmware update and function requests is very critical.