Programmer Shield + SWD

I am struggling with the programmer as well. I am using the WICED tools to develop my solution with the intent of starting production with a Photon module and eventually switching to a P0/USI module after the software is stable and the product proves successful. I am specifically using the BCM943362WCD4_EVB for development. I am using OS X for development. I have had no issues with the Broadcom tools or EVB, but my initial experience programming the Photon has not been what I expected. I expected that I could talk to and program the Photon with the "Programmer Shield". After a few hours, I'm still struggling. Initially I tried the methods described in several sites.

After having no success, I followed this process:

It at least set up the FT2232H exactly the same way as the EVB. I've studied all the schematics and pin outs and I'm still coming up empty. I've tried about every configuration of the .CFG files recommended.

I get:
**** OpenOCD failed - ensure you have installed the driver from the drivers directory, and that the debugger is not running **** In Linux this may be due to USB access permissions. In a virtual machine it may be due to USB passthrough settings. Check in the task list that another OpenOCD process is not running. Check that you have the correct target and JTAG device plugged in. ****

I have looked at about everything I can think of and was wondering if anyone can share the secret to using the "Programmer Shield".