Precise meaning of "Assertion failure" (not "Attribution error")!

I saw the watchdog/stack post, but the one that I suspect fits my case is this:

Passed pointers going out of scope and becoming invalid may be the reason, or the use of String methods that are "notoirious for fragmenting the heap".
I was doing both by publishing a String... but that's exactly what the following (flawed?) example in the Particle Guide to Webhooks does:

int led = D7; // The on-board LED

void setup() {
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // Turn ON the LED

String temp = String(random(60, 80));
Particle.publish("temp", temp, PRIVATE);
delay(30000); // Wait for 30 seconds

digitalWrite(led, LOW); // Turn OFF the LED
delay(30000); // Wait for 30 seconds

I am looking for a clear definition because, though perhaps I've solved my immediate problem by waving an inadequately understood work-around at it, I feel like without a deeper understanding of the problem, it will eventually re-emerge in another guise. I'm oldschool that way.

Update: converting to a global char buffer but continuing to use String methods still ends up crashing to 10 blinks after several hundred successful publications:

#define PARAM_PIN A4
#define PUBLISH_BUFF_SIZE 64 // plenty big
char PublishBuff[PUBLISH_BUFF_SIZE];
double ThisParam = 0;

void setup() {

void loop() {

 ThisParam = (float)analogRead(PARAM_PIN) / 4095.0;
 String(ThisParam).toCharArray(PublishBuff, PUBLISH_BUFF_SIZE);
 Particle.publish("Param", PublishBuff, PRIVATE);
