Photon won't enter listening mode while connecting to wifi (works using setup button but not using external button)

@tslater & @peekay123: I know there might be better ways to do this and it’s not completely bullet proof, but here I’ve got a little demo code that supports short/long/excessive button-press recoginition via an interrupt.
The two range-check blocks can be filled with any functionality (including System.reset(), WiFi.listen(), …) and there is also the option for double tap recognition


#define DEBOUNCE      5
#define SHORTPRESS 1500
#define LONGPRESS  3000
#define DBLTAP     1500

const int pinIRQ = D6;

volatile uint32_t blinkPattern = 0x88;
volatile uint32_t msTrig;    // when was last reliable trigger
volatile uint32_t msPress;   // when was the last press/hold
volatile uint32_t msRelease; // when did it get released
volatile uint32_t msHeld;    // how long was it held
volatile uint32_t msDblTap;  // how much time since last release

void ISR()
  if (millis() - msTrig <= DEBOUNCE) return;
  msTrig = millis();
  if (!digitalRead(pinIRQ))
  { // PRESSED
    msPress = msTrig;
    msDblTap = msPress - msRelease;
    msRelease = 0;
    if (msDblTap > DBLTAP)
      msDblTap = 0;
    msRelease = msTrig;
    msHeld = msRelease - msPress;
    msPress = 0;
    // ******************** range check for hold time *********************
    if (DEBOUNCE < msHeld && msHeld < SHORTPRESS)
      blinkPattern = 0x08;
    else if (SHORTPRESS < msHeld && msHeld < LONGPRESS)
      blinkPattern = 0x80;
      blinkPattern = 0x88;
    // ********************************************************************

void prepare()
    pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(pinIRQ, INPUT_PULLUP);
    attachInterrupt(pinIRQ, ISR, CHANGE);

void setup() { }

void loop() 
  uint32_t msHold;
  uint8_t  factor = 0;
  if (msPress)
  { // feedback during hold
    msHold = millis() - msPress;
    factor = 4;  // dim the LED
  else // after release
    msHold = msHeld;
  // ******************** range check for hold time *********************
  if (DEBOUNCE < msHold && msHold < SHORTPRESS)
    RGB.color(0, 0, 255 >> factor);
  else if (SHORTPRESS < msHold && msHold < LONGPRESS)
    RGB.color(255 >> factor ,128 >> factor, 0);
  // ********************************************************************

  digitalWrite(D7, (millis() >> 2) & blinkPattern);    

@tslater, have a play with the time constants and get a feel about the response time :wink:

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