Photon SoftAP Inputs

There would be multiple ways to do that, but I just needed a quick and dirty “extension” of the SoftAP demo to take an input and pass that back for my application task.
So I just added an extra /control.html which contained the extra settings I desired as a <form>...</form>. But you can do that just as well in the original /index.html.

The only thing you’d have to do is to capture the const char* url and distill the form data you are interested in out of the URL and then strip off that extra stuff.

As said, quick and dirty :wink:

void myPage(const char* url, ResponseCallback* cb, void* cbArg, Reader* body, Writer* result, void* reserved)
    char  _url[strlen(url)+1];
    char* query;
    char* value;
    strcpy(_url, url);    // create a working copy of url
    if (strcmp(strtok_r(_url, "?&", &query), myPages[0].url) == 0)   
    { // is it my page (which I put to the front of myPages
      for(; query; strtok_r(NULL, "?&", &query)) 
      { // iterate over possibly query parameters?
        if(strcmp(strtok_r(query, "=", &value), "myValue") == 0) 
        { // I'm only interested in this specific key
          char* val = strtok_r(NULL, "?&=", &value);
    ... // rest of original sample
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