Particle Tools Changelog

July 30th 2020: Device OS v2.0.0-rc.1

A new Release Candidate Device OS v2.0.0-rc.1 is available now on for Photon/P1/Electron/Argon/Boron/B SoM/B5 SoM.



  • DeviceOS no longer supports Xenon platform and Mesh connectivity in general
  • Minimum ARM GCC version has been updated to 9.2.1
  • SPISettings class is available even without Arduino compatibility layer
  • Some HAL APIs have changed names, be sure to check the deprecation warnings when compiling the applications. Eventually, calling some HAL functions by old names will not be supported


  • OTA improvements (compression, combined updates)
  • [Gen 3] Cellular modem warm bootup, improving connection times when the modem is already registered on the network
  • New sleep mode and wake up options and sleep improvements in general
  • [Gen 3] Power-loss resistant bootloader updates
  • Device-initiated describe messages. Timing issues should no longer affect variable/function registration

As well as 54 enhancements and bugfixes in total and some other features! :star2: Be sure to read the full collection of release notes Particle Device OS Updates Thread.