Old NeXT Keyboard to USB

@Jeffburg, @BDub, @ScruffR, @emc2,

Time to get the HID stuff tested :smiley: We didn’t comment on HID work done so far since we are still waiting on new USB product IDs to be issued for both Keyboard and Mouse. Currently we have some random product IDs assigned just for testing but that’s going to change before merging this branch: https://github.com/spark/core-firmware/tree/feature/usb-hid-support with the master. The pull request is over here: https://github.com/spark/core-firmware/pull/162

To enable HID support in case someone likes to test this feature locally:
Edit main.h file, uncomment only one define out of the three from below and run the make command:

Both “spark_wiring_usbmouse.h” & “spark_wiring_usbkeyboard.h” has already been added to application.h so no need to add them in your application code.

Please note: Currently only one USB feature will work at a time.
If none is selected, USB Serial is enabled by default.

Happy Testing :smile: