February 15, 2017, 4:43pm
So you object instantiation looks like this?
Adafruit_CharacterOLED lcd(OLED_V2, D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2, D1);
If so and it still doesn't work try putting RS to D0 - maybe the LED on D7 keeps the device reset.
Also make sure the display does work with 3.3V logic when powered off Vin (5V).
BTW, there was a similar thread not long ago
I’ve got my NewHaven Character OLED wired up I2C. I I’ve confirmed wiring and voltage (5V) but I can’t get it to even turn on or I see no activity from the OLED… I’ve tried another one I had too… no luck. I’ve modified the sketch here at this link and used their wiring diagram. I’m not sure if I need the 10K Ohm pullup resistors or not.
Newhaven Display Forum Tutorial
anyone have an easier/basic “starter” I2C setup for an OLED Character Display. Any help would be appreciated.