How long after WiFi connect can Particle.publish() be reliable?

Strange. It was a few months ago, but when I did the tests for using an accelerometer to wake a Photon from sleep when shaken, I didn't wait at all before publishing and I'm pretty sure all of the publishes went through as I was actually looking for that as part of the testing.

As you can see as soon as Particle.connected() returns true, I did the publish. Now I did wait 4 seconds after that before disconnecting and sleeping; that may or may not be significant.

		if (Particle.connected()) {
			// The publish data contains 3 comma-separated values:
			// whether movement was detected (1) or not (0) The not detected publish is used for battery status updates
			// cell voltage (decimal)
			// state of charge (decimal)
			char data[32];
			float cellVoltage = batteryMonitor.getVCell();
			float stateOfCharge = batteryMonitor.getSoC();
			snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "%d,%.02f,%.02f", awake, cellVoltage, stateOfCharge);

			Particle.publish(eventName, data, 60, PRIVATE);

			// Wait for the publish to go out
			stateTime = millis();
			state = SLEEP_WAIT_STATE;
		else {
			// Haven't come online yet
			if (millis() - stateTime >= MAX_TIME_TO_PUBLISH_MS) {
				// Took too long to publish, just go to sleep
				state = SLEEP_STATE;

Full code here: