Faster HTTP request

@tchinou1 I have made some big changes to the library, it compiles and i have quickly tested and its working well for me and nice and fast on the send side of things.

Probably best if you create a new app, and manually add a set of tabs called HttpClient.h and HttpClient.cpp and copy the code below into them. then copy and paste the code you have working with the old httpclient into the .ino tab. if you try and add tabs with the same name to your existing code it will give you loads of compile errors (as i just found out).


#ifndef __HTTP_CLIENT_H_
#define __HTTP_CLIENT_H_

#include "spark_wiring_string.h"
#include "spark_wiring_tcpclient.h"
#include "spark_wiring_usbserial.h"

 * Defines for the HTTP methods.
static const char* HTTP_METHOD_GET    = "GET";
static const char* HTTP_METHOD_POST   = "POST";
static const char* HTTP_METHOD_PUT    = "PUT";
static const char* HTTP_METHOD_DELETE = "DELETE";

 * This struct is used to pass additional HTTP headers such as API-keys.
 * Normally you pass this as an array. The last entry must have NULL as key.
typedef struct
  const char* header;
  const char* value;
} http_header_t;

 * HTTP Request struct.
 * hostname request host
 * path     request path
 * port     request port
 * body     request body
typedef struct
  String hostname;
  IPAddress ip;
  String path;
  // TODO: Look at setting the port by default.
  //int port = 80;
  int port;
  String body;
} http_request_t;

 * HTTP Response struct.
 * status  response status code.
 * body    response body
typedef struct
  int status;
  String body;
} http_response_t;

class HttpClient {
    * Public references to variables.
    TCPClient client;
    char buffer[1024];

    * Constructor.

    * HTTP request methods.
    * Can't use 'delete' as name since it's a C++ keyword.
    void get(http_request_t &aRequest, http_response_t &aResponse)
        request(aRequest, aResponse, NULL, HTTP_METHOD_GET);

    void post(http_request_t &aRequest, http_response_t &aResponse)
        request(aRequest, aResponse, NULL, HTTP_METHOD_POST);

    void put(http_request_t &aRequest, http_response_t &aResponse)
        request(aRequest, aResponse, NULL, HTTP_METHOD_PUT);

    void del(http_request_t &aRequest, http_response_t &aResponse)
        request(aRequest, aResponse, NULL, HTTP_METHOD_DELETE);

    void get(http_request_t &aRequest, http_response_t &aResponse, http_header_t headers[])
        request(aRequest, aResponse, headers, HTTP_METHOD_GET);

    void post(http_request_t &aRequest, http_response_t &aResponse, http_header_t headers[])
        request(aRequest, aResponse, headers, HTTP_METHOD_POST);

    void put(http_request_t &aRequest, http_response_t &aResponse, http_header_t headers[])
        request(aRequest, aResponse, headers, HTTP_METHOD_PUT);

    void del(http_request_t &aRequest, http_response_t &aResponse, http_header_t headers[])
        request(aRequest, aResponse, headers, HTTP_METHOD_DELETE);

    * Underlying HTTP methods.
    void out(const char *s);
    void request(http_request_t &aRequest, http_response_t &aResponse, http_header_t headers[], const char* aHttpMethod);
    void sendRequest(const char* aHttpMethod, const char* aRequestPath);
    void sendBody(const char* aRequestBody);
    void sendHeader(const char* aHeaderName, const char* aHeaderValue);
    void sendHeader(const char* aHeaderName, const int aHeaderValue);
    void sendHeader(const char* aHeaderName);

#endif /* __HTTP_CLIENT_H_ */


#include "HttpClient.h"

#define LOGGING
static const uint16_t TIMEOUT = 5000; // Allow maximum 5s between data packets.

* Constructor.

void HttpClient::out(const char *s) {

    client.write( (const uint8_t*)s, strlen(s) );

    #ifdef LOGGING
        Serial.write( (const uint8_t*)s, strlen(s) );
* Method to send a header, should only be called from within the class.
void HttpClient::sendRequest(const char* aHttpMethod, const char* aRequestPath)
    sprintf(buffer, "%s %s  HTTP/1.1\r\n", aHttpMethod, aRequestPath);

void HttpClient::sendBody(const char* aRequestBody)
void HttpClient::sendHeader(const char* aHeaderName, const char* aHeaderValue)
    sprintf(buffer, "%s: %s\r\n", aHeaderName, aHeaderValue);

void HttpClient::sendHeader(const char* aHeaderName, const int aHeaderValue)
    sprintf(buffer, "%s: %d\r\n", aHeaderName, aHeaderValue);

void HttpClient::sendHeader(const char* aHeaderName)
    sprintf(buffer, "%s\r\n", aHeaderName);


* Method to send an HTTP Request. Allocate variables in your application code
* in the aResponse struct and set the headers and the options in the aRequest
* struct.
void HttpClient::request(http_request_t &aRequest, http_response_t &aResponse, http_header_t headers[], const char* aHttpMethod)
    // If a proper response code isn't received it will be set to -1.
    aResponse.status = -1;

    // NOTE: The default port tertiary statement is unpredictable if the request structure is not initialised
    // http_request_t request = {0} or memset(&request, 0, sizeof(http_request_t)) should be used
    // to ensure all fields are zero
    bool connected = false;
    if(aRequest.hostname!=NULL) {
        connected = client.connect(aRequest.hostname.c_str(), (aRequest.port) ? aRequest.port : 80 );
    }   else {
        connected = client.connect(aRequest.ip, aRequest.port);

    #ifdef LOGGING
    if (connected) {
        if(aRequest.hostname!=NULL) {
            Serial.print("HttpClient>\tConnecting to: ");
        } else {
            Serial.print("HttpClient>\tConnecting to IP: ");
    } else {
        Serial.println("HttpClient>\tConnection failed.");

    if (!connected) {
        // If TCP Client can't connect to host, exit here.

    // Send HTTP Headers

    // Send initial headers (only HTTP 1.0 is supported for now).
    #ifdef LOGGING
    Serial.println("HttpClient>\tStart of HTTP Request.");
    sendRequest(aHttpMethod, aRequest.path.c_str());

    // Send General and Request Headers.
    sendHeader("Connection", "close"); // Not supporting keep-alive for now.
    if(aRequest.hostname!=NULL) {
        sendHeader("HOST", aRequest.hostname.c_str());

    //Send Entity Headers
    // TODO: Check the standard, currently sending Content-Length : 0 for empty
    // POST requests, and no content-length for other types.
    if (aRequest.body != NULL) {
        sendHeader("Content-Length", (aRequest.body).length());
    } else if (strcmp(aHttpMethod, HTTP_METHOD_POST) == 0) { //Check to see if its a Post method.
        sendHeader("Content-Length", 0);

    if (headers != NULL)
        int i = 0;
        while (headers[i].header != NULL)
            if (headers[i].value != NULL) {
                sendHeader(headers[i].header, headers[i].value);
            } else {

    // Empty line to finish headers

    // Send HTTP Request Body

    if (aRequest.body != NULL) {


    #ifdef LOGGING
    Serial.println("HttpClient>\tEnd of HTTP Request.");

    // Receive HTTP Response
    // The first value of client.available() might not represent the
    // whole response, so after the first chunk of data is received instead
    // of terminating the connection there is a delay and another attempt
    // to read data.
    // The loop exits when the connection is closed, or if there is a
    // timeout or an error.
    // clear response buffer
    memset(&buffer[0], 0, sizeof(buffer));
    unsigned int bufferPosition = 0;
    unsigned long lastRead = millis();
    unsigned long firstRead = millis();
    bool error = false;
    bool timeout = false;

    do {
        #ifdef LOGGING
        int bytes = client.available();
        if(bytes) {
            Serial.print("\r\nHttpClient>\tReceiving TCP transaction of ");
            Serial.println(" bytes.");

        while (client.available()) {
            char c =;
            #ifdef LOGGING
            lastRead = millis();

            if (c == -1) {
                error = true;

                #ifdef LOGGING
                Serial.println("HttpClient>\tError: No data available.");


            // Check that received character fits in buffer before storing.
            if (bufferPosition < sizeof(buffer)-1) {
                buffer[bufferPosition] = c;
            } else if ((bufferPosition == sizeof(buffer)-1)) {
                buffer[bufferPosition] = '\0'; // Null-terminate buffer
                error = true;

                #ifdef LOGGING
                Serial.println("HttpClient>\tError: Response body larger than buffer.");

        #ifdef LOGGING
        if (bytes) {
            Serial.print("\r\nHttpClient>\tEnd of TCP transaction.");

        // Check that there hasn't been more than 5s since last read.
        timeout = millis() - lastRead > TIMEOUT;

        // Unless there has been an error or timeout wait 200ms to allow server
        // to respond or close connection.
        if (!error && !timeout) {
    } while (client.connected() && !timeout && !error);

    #ifdef LOGGING
    if (timeout) {
        Serial.println("\r\nHttpClient>\tError: Timeout while reading response.");
    Serial.print("\r\nHttpClient>\tEnd of HTTP Response (");
    Serial.print(millis() - firstRead);

    String raw_response(buffer);

    // Not super elegant way of finding the status code, but it works.
    String statusCode = raw_response.substring(9,12);

    #ifdef LOGGING
    Serial.print("HttpClient>\tStatus Code: ");

    int bodyPos = raw_response.indexOf("\r\n\r\n");
    if (bodyPos == -1) {
        #ifdef LOGGING
        Serial.println("HttpClient>\tError: Can't find HTTP response body.");

    // Return the entire message body from bodyPos+4 till end.
    aResponse.body = "";
    aResponse.body += raw_response.substring(bodyPos+4);
    aResponse.status = atoi(statusCode.c_str());